static function CurveField(position: Rect, value: AnimationCurve): AnimationCurve;
static function CurveField(position: Rect, label: string, value: AnimationCurve): AnimationCurve;
static function CurveField(position: Rect, label: GUIContent, value: AnimationCurve): AnimationCurve;
static function CurveField(position: Rect, value: AnimationCurve, color: Color, ranges: Rect): AnimationCurve;
static function CurveField(position: Rect, label: string, value: AnimationCurve, color: Color, ranges: Rect): AnimationCurve;
static function CurveField(position: Rect, label: GUIContent, value: AnimationCurve, color: Color, ranges: Rect): AnimationCurve;

position Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.
label Optional label to display in front of the field.
value The curve to edit.
color The color to show the curve with.
ranges Optional rectangle that the curve is restrained within.
AnimationCurve The curve edited by the user.

Make a field for editing an AnimationCurve.

Curve field in an Editor Window.
	// Makes the selected GameObject follow the animation curve.
	// Usage: Generate the curves for X,Y and Z axis of your desired GameObject
	// Select an Object and click Generate Curve.
	// Press Play and see your object moving.
	class EditorGUICurveField extends EditorWindow {
		var curveX : AnimationCurve = AnimationCurve.Linear(0,0,10,10);
		var curveY : AnimationCurve = AnimationCurve.Linear(0,0,10,10);
		var curveZ : AnimationCurve = AnimationCurve.Linear(0,0,10,10);
		@MenuItem("Examples/Create Curve For Object")
		static function Init() {
			var window = GetWindow(EditorGUICurveField);
			window.position = Rect(0,0,200,100);
		function OnGUI() {
			curveX = EditorGUI.CurveField(
				"Animation on X", curveX);
			curveY = EditorGUI.CurveField(
				"Animation on Y", curveY);
			curveZ = EditorGUI.CurveField(
				"Animation on Z", curveZ);
			if(GUI.Button(Rect(3,60,position.width-6,30),"Generate Curve"))
		function AddCurveToSelectedGameObject() {
			if(Selection.activeGameObject) {
				var comp : FollowAnimationCurve = 
					comp.SetCurves(curveX, curveY, curveZ);
			} else {
				Debug.LogError("No Game Object selected for adding an animation curve");
And the script attached to this editor script:
	// FollowAnimationCurve.js
	// This script has to go outside of the Editor Folder.
	var curveX : AnimationCurve;
	var curveY : AnimationCurve;
	var curveZ : AnimationCurve;
	function SetCurves(xC : AnimationCurve, yC : AnimationCurve, zC : AnimationCurve) {
		curveX = xC;
		curveY = yC;
		curveZ = zC;
	function Update() {
		transform.position = Vector3(curveX.Evaluate(Time.time),
static function CurveField(position: Rect, value: SerializedProperty, color: Color, ranges: Rect): void;

position Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.
property The curve to edit.
color The color to show the curve with.
ranges Optional rectangle that the curve is restrained within.

Make a field for editing an AnimationCurve.