static function LogError(message: object): void;
static void LogError(object message);
static def LogError(message as object) as void
static function LogError(message: object, context: Object): void;
static void LogError(object message, Object context);
static def LogError(message as object, context as Object) as void

message String or object to be converted to string representation for display.
context Object to which the message applies.

A variant of Debug.Log that logs an error message to the console.

When you select the message in the console a connection to the context object will be drawn. This is very useful if you want know on which object an error occurs.

When the message is a string, rich text markup can be used to add emphasis. See the manual page about rich text for details of the different markup tags available.
	var memberVariable : Transform;

if(memberVariable == null) Debug.LogError("memberVariable must be set to point to a Transform.", transform);
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Example : MonoBehaviour {
    public Transform memberVariable;
    void Example() {
        if (memberVariable == null)
            Debug.LogError("memberVariable must be set to point to a Transform.", transform);
import UnityEngine
import System.Collections

public class Example(MonoBehaviour):

	public memberVariable as Transform

	def Example() as void:
		if memberVariable == null:
			Debug.LogError('memberVariable must be set to point to a Transform.', transform)