XR 씬 설정
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XR 원점

XR 원점은 XR 씬에서 트래킹 공간의 중심 역할을 합니다.

An XR Origin configuration is a set of GameObjects and components that work together to transform data from the XR tracking subsystems into world space. For example, the TrackedPoseDriver component on the Main Camera GameObject moves the Camera relative to the XR Origin using the tracking data for the user’s headset or handheld device. See XR Origin for more information about the XR Origin.

XR devices provide tracking data in real-world units relative to a point chosen by the XR system at initialization. Unity aligns the XR Origin GameObject in a scene with this initial point. The starting position of the XR Origin in the scene also determines the default starting position of the Camera.

사용자의 헤드셋 또는 핸드헬드 기기와 같은 추적되는 엔티티를 나타내는 게임 오브젝트는 씬 계층 구조에서 XR 원점 게임 오브젝트의 자식입니다.즉, 트래킹 업데이트에 따른 포지션과 회전의 변화는 XR 원점을 기준으로 합니다.사용자가 현실 세계에서 움직이면 이러한 자식 게임 오브젝트는 씬의 XR 원점을 기준으로 이동합니다.XR 원점은 스스로 움직이지 않습니다.그러나 사용자가 컨트롤러 입력을 통해 텔레포트하거나 이동할 수 있도록 스크립트를 사용하여 XR 원점을 이동할 수 있습니다.

XR 원점 설정

The Unity XR packages provide a number of XR Origin configurations tailored for different types of XR applications. The available options depend on which packages you have added to your project.

XR 타입 메뉴 Package 참고
VR, MR XR 릭 GameObject > XR > Convert Main Camera To XR Rig XR Legacy Input Helpers (installed with the XR Plug-in Management package) Replaces the standard Camera in a basic Unity Scene. The logic used to replace the main camera can fail in complex scenes.
VR, MR XR 원점 GameObject > XR > XR Origin XR Core Utils (installed with the XR Interaction Toolkit package) 컨트롤러용 게임 오브젝트는 포함되지 않습니다.
VR, MR XR 원점(VR) GameObject > XR > XR Origin (VR) XR Interaction Toolkit 행동 기반 입력용으로 설정된 컨트롤러 게임 오브젝트가 포함되어 있습니다.
VR, MR XR 원점(VR) GameObject > XR > Device-based > XR Origin (VR) XR Interaction Toolkit 기기 기반 입력용으로 설정된 컨트롤러 게임 오브젝트가 포함되어 있습니다.
AR XR 원점(AR) GameObject > XR > XR Origin (AR) XR Interaction Toolkit Includes controller GameObjects.
AR AR Session Origin GameObject > XR > AR Session Origin AR Foundation Deprecated in favor of XR Origin (AR).

Note: In the latest versions of the Unity XR packages, the XR Rig have been renamed to XR Origin. The XROrigin component also replaces the CameraOffset component, providing a few additional settings. See XR Origin component for more information. In addition, the AR Session Origin has been renamed to XR Origin (AR).

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