기본 Unity 활동 확장
Unity 시작 인자 지정

커스텀 활동 생성

기본 Unity 활동을 확장하려면 자신만의 커스텀 활동을 만들고 이를 애플리케이션의 엔트리 포인트로 설정합니다.이를 위한 절차는 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Create a new Activity that extends the UnityPlayerActivity class.
  2. Create a plug-in to deliver the new Activity to the final Unity Android application.
  3. Override the Android App Manifest to set your new Activity as the application’s entry point.

그 다음에는 활동에서 커스텀 활동을 구현하여 Unity와 Android 간의 상호 작용을 제어할 수 있습니다.

Create a new Activity

To create a new Activity:

  1. Assets 폴더에서 새 Java (.java) 또는 Kotlin (.kt) 파일을 생성합니다.
  2. 새 파일에서 UnityPlayerActivity를 연장하는 클래스를 생성합니다.
  3. In the new class, override the various base Activity methods to implement the custom behavior you want your Activity to have. For more information, see Android’s Activity documentation.

Example Activity

The following code sample shows an example Activity that overrides multiple functions.

package com.company.product;
import com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;

public class OverrideExample extends UnityPlayerActivity {
  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // Calls UnityPlayerActivity.onCreate()
    // Prints debug message to Logcat
    Log.d("OverrideActivity", "onCreate called!");
  public void onBackPressed()
    // Instead of calling UnityPlayerActivity.onBackPressed(), this example ignores the back button event
    // super.onBackPressed();

Create a plug-in for the Activity

To use a custom Activity for a Unity Android application, you must create a plug-in to contain the Activity. Activities are written in either Java or Kotlin, which means you must use a plug-in of one of the following types:

Create a new plug-in and add the Activity file to it.

Tip: It is best practice to use an Android Library Project while you develop the plug-in and then compile it into an Android Archive plug-in when you no longer need to update it, want to use it in multiple projects, or want to distribute it to other people.

Set the new Activity as the application entry point

After you create an Activity and add it to a plug-in, you can set it as the application entry point. To do this, override the Android Manifest and set the name attribute of the activity element to the class name of your custom Activity.

For an example of how to do this, see the following Android Manifest sample:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" package="com.company.product">
  <application android:icon="@drawable/app_icon" android:label="@string/app_name">
    <activity android:name="com.YourPackage.name.OverrideExample"
            <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

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기본 Unity 활동 확장
Unity 시작 인자 지정