在 C# 代码中表示纹理的类。
ImageConversion 类可为此类提供用于处理图像编码功能的扩展方法。有关这些方法的详细信息,请参阅 ImageConversion 文档。
blackTexture | 获取一个全部为黑色像素的小纹理。 |
grayTexture | 获取一个全部为灰色像素的小纹理。 |
linearGrayTexture | 获取一个全部为灰色像素的小纹理。 |
normalTexture | 获取一个小纹理,其像素表示位于中立位置的表面法线矢量。 |
redTexture | 获取一个全部为红色像素的小纹理。 |
whiteTexture | 获取一个全部为白色像素的小纹理。 |
activeMipmapLimit | The number of high resolution mipmap levels from the texture that Unity doesn't upload to the GPU. (Read Only) |
alphaIsTransparency | 指示是否在启用 TextureImporter.alphaIsTransparency 的情况下导入此纹理。此设置仅在编辑器脚本中可用。请注意,更改此设置将不起作用;必须在 TextureImporter 中启用它。 |
calculatedMipmapLevel | 串流系统计算的 Mipmap 级别,其中考虑了串流摄像机以及包含此纹理的对象的位置。它不受 requestedMipmapLevel 或 minimumMipmapLevel 影响。 |
desiredMipmapLevel | 应用内存预算之前由串流系统加载的 Mipmap 级别。 |
format | 纹理中像素数据的格式(只读)。 |
ignoreMipmapLimit | This property causes a texture to ignore all texture mipmap limit settings. |
loadedMipmapLevel | 串流系统当前加载的 Mipmap 级别。 |
loadingMipmapLevel | Mipmap 串流系统正在加载的 Mipmap 级别。 |
minimumMipmapLevel | 将 Mipmap 串流系统限制为此纹理的最低 Mip 级别。 |
mipmapLimitGroup | The name of the texture mipmap limit group that this texture is associated with. (Read Only) |
requestedMipmapLevel | 要加载的 Mipmap 级别。 |
streamingMipmaps | 确定是否已为纹理启用 Mipmap 串流。 |
streamingMipmapsPriority | 在减小内存大小以满足内存预算时设置纹理的相对优先级。 |
vtOnly | Returns true if the VTOnly checkbox was checked when the texture was imported; otherwise returns false. For additional information, see TextureImporter.vtOnly. |
Texture2D | 创建一个新的空纹理。 |
Apply | Copies changes you've made in a CPU texture to the GPU. |
ClearMinimumMipmapLevel | 重置 minimumMipmapLevel 字段。 |
ClearRequestedMipmapLevel | 重置 requestedMipmapLevel 字段。 |
Compress | Compress texture at runtime to DXT/BCn or ETC formats. |
GetPixel | Gets the pixel color at coordinates (x, y). |
GetPixelBilinear | Gets the filtered pixel color at the normalized coordinates (u, v). |
GetPixelData | Gets the raw data from a texture. |
GetPixels | Gets the pixel color data for a mipmap level as Color structs. |
GetPixels32 | Gets the pixel color data for a mipmap level as Color32 structs. |
GetRawTextureData | Gets the raw data from a texture, as an array that points to memory. |
IsRequestedMipmapLevelLoaded | 检查通过 requestedMipmapLevel 设置的 Mipmap 级别是否已完成加载。 |
LoadRawTextureData | Sets the raw data of an entire texture in CPU memory. |
PackTextures | 将多个纹理打包到一个纹理图集中。 |
ReadPixels | Reads pixels from the current render target and writes them to a texture. |
Reinitialize | Reinitializes a Texture2D, making it possible for you to replace width, height, textureformat, and graphicsformat data for that texture. |
SetPixel | Sets the pixel color at coordinates (x,y). |
SetPixelData | Sets the raw data of an entire mipmap level directly in CPU memory. |
SetPixels | Sets the pixel colors of an entire mipmap level. |
SetPixels32 | Sets the pixel colors of an entire mipmap level. |
UpdateExternalTexture | 更新 Unity 纹理以使用不同的原生纹理对象。 |
CreateExternalTexture | Creates a Unity Texture out of an externally created native texture object. |
GenerateAtlas | 将一组矩形打包成一个方形图集,并且可以选择在矩形之间进行填充。 |
allowThreadedTextureCreation | Allow Unity internals to perform Texture creation on any thread (rather than the dedicated render thread). |
currentTextureMemory | The amount of memory that all Textures in the scene use. |
desiredTextureMemory | The total size of the Textures, in bytes, that Unity loads if there were no other constraints. Before Unity loads any Textures, it applies the memory budget which reduces the loaded Texture resolution if the Texture sizes exceed its value. The desiredTextureMemory value takes into account the mipmap levels that Unity has requested or that you have set manually.For example, if Unity does not load a Texture at full resolution because it is far away or its requested mipmap level is greater than 0, Unity reduces the desiredTextureMemory value to match the total memory needed.The desiredTextureMemory value can be greater than the Texture.targetTextureMemory value. |
GenerateAllMips | Can be used with Texture constructors that take a mip count to indicate that all mips should be generated. The value of this field is -1. |
nonStreamingTextureCount | The number of non-streaming Textures in the scene. This includes instances of Texture2D and CubeMap Textures. This does not include any other Texture types, or 2D and CubeMap Textures that Unity creates internally. |
nonStreamingTextureMemory | The amount of memory Unity allocates for non-streaming Textures in the scene. This only includes instances of Texture2D and CubeMap Textures. This does not include any other Texture types, or 2D and CubeMap Textures that Unity creates internally. |
streamingMipmapUploadCount | How many times has a Texture been uploaded due to Texture mipmap streaming. |
streamingRendererCount | Number of renderers registered with the Texture streaming system. |
streamingTextureCount | Number of streaming Textures. |
streamingTextureDiscardUnusedMips | This property forces the streaming Texture system to discard all unused mipmaps instead of caching them until the Texture memory budget is exceeded. This is useful when you profile or write tests to keep a predictable set of Textures in memory. |
streamingTextureForceLoadAll | Force streaming Textures to load all mipmap levels. |
streamingTextureLoadingCount | Number of streaming Textures with mipmaps currently loading. |
streamingTexturePendingLoadCount | Number of streaming Textures with outstanding mipmaps to be loaded. |
targetTextureMemory | The total amount of Texture memory that Unity allocates to the Textures in the scene after it applies the memory budget and finishes loading Textures. `targetTextureMemory`also takes mipmap streaming settings into account. This value only includes instances of Texture2D and CubeMap Textures. This value does not include any other Texture types, or 2D and CubeMap Textures that Unity creates internally. |
totalTextureMemory | The total amount of Texture memory that Unity would use if it loads all Textures at mipmap level 0. This is a theoretical value that does not take into account any input from the streaming system or any other input, for example when you set the`Texture2D.requestedMipmapLevel` manually. To see a Texture memory value that takes inputs into account, use `desiredTextureMemory`. `totalTextureMemory` only includes instances of Texture2D and CubeMap Textures. This value does not include any other Texture types, or 2D and CubeMap Textures that Unity creates internally. |
hideFlags | 该对象应该隐藏、随场景一起保存还是由用户修改? |
name | 对象的名称。 |
anisoLevel | Defines the anisotropic filtering level of the Texture. |
dimension | Dimensionality (type) of the Texture (Read Only). |
filterMode | Filtering mode of the Texture. |
graphicsFormat | Returns the GraphicsFormat format or color format of a Texture object. |
height | Height of the Texture in pixels (Read Only). |
imageContentsHash | 纹理的哈希值。 |
isDataSRGB | Returns true if the texture pixel data is in sRGB color space (Read Only). |
isReadable | Whether Unity stores an additional copy of this texture's pixel data in CPU-addressable memory. |
mipMapBias | The mipmap bias of the Texture. |
mipmapCount | How many mipmap levels are in this Texture (Read Only). |
updateCount | This counter is incremented when the Texture is updated. |
width | Width of the Texture in pixels (Read Only). |
wrapMode | 纹理坐标换行模式。 |
wrapModeU | 纹理 U 坐标换行模式。 |
wrapModeV | 纹理 V 坐标换行模式。 |
wrapModeW | Texture3D 的纹理 W 坐标换行模式。 |
GetInstanceID | Gets the instance ID of the object. |
ToString | 返回对象的名称。 |
GetNativeTexturePtr | Retrieve a native (underlying graphics API) pointer to the Texture resource. |
IncrementUpdateCount | 递增更新计数器。 |
Destroy | 移除 GameObject、组件或资源。 |
DestroyImmediate | 立即销毁对象 /obj/。强烈建议您改用 Destroy。 |
DontDestroyOnLoad | 在加载新的 Scene 时,请勿销毁 Object。 |
FindAnyObjectByType | Retrieves any active loaded object of Type type. |
FindFirstObjectByType | Retrieves the first active loaded object of Type type. |
FindObjectOfType | 返回第一个类型为 type 的已加载的激活对象。 |
FindObjectsByType | Retrieves a list of all loaded objects of Type type. |
FindObjectsOfType | Gets a list of all loaded objects of Type type. |
Instantiate | 克隆 original 对象并返回克隆对象。 |
SetGlobalAnisotropicFilteringLimits | 设置各向异性限制。 |
SetStreamingTextureMaterialDebugProperties | This function sets mipmap streaming debug properties on any materials that use this Texture through the mipmap streaming system. |
bool | 该对象是否存在? |
operator != | 比较两个对象是否引用不同的对象。 |
operator == | 比较两个对象引用,判断它们是否引用同一个对象。 |