class in UnityEditor.Experimental.GraphView
实现接口:IEventHandler, IExperimentalFeatures, IResizable, IResolvedStyle, ISelectable, ITransform, ITransitionAnimations, IVisualElementScheduler
Instantiates a [GraphElement] used for comment text.
defaultSize | The default size of the [StickyNote]. |
contents | The textual content of the [StickyNote]. |
fontSize | The font size of the [StickyNote]. |
theme | The visual theme of the [StickyNote]. |
title | The title of the [StickyNote]. |
StickyNote | Constructor for [StickyNote]. |
BuildContextualMenu | Builds the [StickyNote] contextual menu. |
FitText | Resizes the [StickyNote] so that its textual content is visible. |
GetPosition | Gets the position of the [StickyNote]. |
OnResized | Called when the [StickyNote] is about to be resized. |
OnStartResize | Called when the [StickyNote] will be resized. |
SetPosition | Sets the position of the [StickyNote]. |
capabilities | GraphElement 的功能。 |
elementTypeColor | 用于 MiniMap 视图的颜色。 |
layer | 图形中的 GraphElement 图层。 |
selected | 如果当前已选择 GraphElement,则为 true。 |
showInMiniMap | Whether the element is shown in the minimap. |
title | GraphElement 的标题。 |
GetGlobalCenter | 获取 GraphElement 的中心点。 |
HitTest | 查看点是否在 GraphElement 之上。 |
IsAscendable | 检查 GraphElement 被选中时是否会被自动带到前面。 |
IsCopiable | Checks whether the GraphElement is copiable. |
IsDroppable | GraphElement 可拖放。 |
IsGroupable | Checks whether the GraphElement is groupable. |
IsMovable | GraphElement 可以移动。 |
IsRenamable | GraphElement 可以重命名。 |
IsResizable | GraphElement 可以重新确定大小。 |
IsSelectable | GraphElement 是可选择的。 |
IsSelected | 当前已在特定容器中选择 GraphElement。 |
IsSnappable | Checks whether the GraphElement is snappable. |
IsStackable | Checks whether the GraphElement is stackable. |
OnSelected | 在选择 GraphElement 时调用。 |
OnUnselected | 在取消选择 GraphElement 时调用。 |
ResetLayer | 将 GraphElement 重置为其原始图层。 |
Select | 选择 GraphElement。 |
Unselect | 取消选择 GraphElement。 |
OnCustomStyleResolved | 当自定义样式属性解析时调用。 |