CurrentEditorPath | The path to the external code editor that Unity uses used to open script assets. |
Editor | A singleton instance of CodeEditor. The Unity Editor references this instance to handle code editor callbacks. |
CurrentCodeEditor | Returns the current IExternalCodeEditor instance for the code editor. |
CurrentInstallation | Returns the current CodeEditor.Installation instance for the code editor. |
GetCodeEditorForPath | Each registered code editor package has an instance of IExternalCodeEditor. This method invokes IExternalCodeEditor.TryGetInstallationForPath on that instance. It returns the first instance that returns a valid installation. |
GetFoundScriptEditorPaths | Collects all installations from registered instances of IExternalCodeEditor. This is done using IExternalCodeEditor.Installations. |
GetInstallationForPath | Each registered code editor package has an instance of IExternalCodeEditor. This method invokes IExternalCodeEditor.TryGetInstallationForPath on that instance. It finds the first instance that returns a valid installation, and returns the installation. |
SetCodeEditor | Sets the path to the code editor that Unity uses to open script assets. |
OSOpenFile | 使用引号引起来的参数字符串打开应用程序。 |
ParseArgument | 使用 External Tools 下面定义的规则分析字符串。 |
QuoteForProcessStart | Quotes a string to pass to Process.Start as a single argument, and appends it to this string builder. |
Register | 注册在填充 Preferences/External Tools 菜单时要使用的 IExternalCodeEditor 的实例。如果选择该实例,则调用 ref::Initialize。 |
Unregister | 从注册代码编辑器列表中删除 IExternalCodeEditor 实例。如果选择该实例,则调用 ref::Initialize。 |