IMGUIOverlay is an implementation of Overlay that provides a IMGUIContainer.
Inherit IMGUIOverlay to author Overlay elements implemented using the legacy IMGUI controls.
CreatePanelContent | CreatePanelContent is invoked by the OverlayCanvas when this Overlay is shown. |
OnGUI | Implement IMGUI controls and logic in this method. |
ussClassName | 此类型元素的 USS 类名称。 |
collapsed | Defines whether the overlay is in collapsed form. |
collapsedIcon | Defines a custom icon to use when that overlay is in collapsed form. |
containerWindow | EditorWindow the overlay is contained within. |
displayed | Shows or hides the overlay. |
displayName | Name of overlay used as title. |
floating | Returns true if overlay is floating, returns false if overlay is docked in a corner or in a toolbar. |
floatingPosition | Local position of closest overlay corner to closest dockposition when floating. |
id | Overlay unique ID. |
isInToolbar | Returns true if overlay is docked in a toolbar. |
layout | Describes the presentation mode for an Overlay. |
maxSize | Maximum size of the Overlay. |
minSize | Minimum size of the Overlay. |
size | Size of the Overlay. |
Close | Remove the Overlay from its OverlayCanvas. |
CreateContent | Create a new VisualElement containing the contents of this Overlay. |
OnCreated | OnCreated is invoked when an Overlay is instantiated in an Overlay Canvas. |
OnWillBeDestroyed | Called when an Overlay is about to be destroyed. |
Undock | If this Overlay is currently in a toolbar, it will be removed and return to a floating state. |
collapsedChanged | Invoked when Overlay.collapsed value is changed. |
displayedChanged | This callback is invoked when the Overlay.displayed value has been changed. |
floatingChanged | Called when the value of floating has changed. |
floatingPositionChanged | This event is invoked when Overlay.floatingPosition is changed. |
layoutChanged | Subscribe to this event to be notified when the Overlay.Layout property is modified. |