origin | The center of the sphere at the start of the sweep. |
radius | The radius of the sphere. |
direction | The direction into which to sweep the sphere. |
hitInfo | If true is returned, hitInfo will contain more information about where the collider was hit (See Also: RaycastHit). |
distance | The length of the sweep. |
layerMask | A Layer mask that is used to selectively ignore colliders when casting a capsule. |
Casts a sphere against all colliders in the scene and returns detailed information on what was hit.
function Update () { var hit : RaycastHit; var charCtrl : CharacterController = GetComponent(CharacterController); var p1 : Vector3 = transform.position + charCtrl.center; // Cast a sphere wrapping character controller 10 meters forward, to see if it is about to hit anything if (Physics.SphereCast (p1, charCtrl.height / 2, transform.forward, hit, 10)) { var distanceToObstacle = hit.distance; } }
ray | The starting point and direction of the ray into which the sphere sweep is cast. |
radius | The radius of the sphere. |
direction | The direction into which to sweep the sphere. |
hitInfo | If true is returned, hitInfo will contain more information about where the collider was hit (See Also: RaycastHit). |
distance | The length of the sweep. |
layerMask | A Layer mask that is used to selectively ignore colliders when casting a capsule. |
Casts a sphere against all colliders in the scene and returns detailed information on what was hit.