AddFloat(name: string, value: float): void;
AddFloat(nameID: int, value: float): void;

Add a float material property.

	// Draws 3 meshes with the same material but with different Shininess levels

var aMesh : Mesh; var aMaterial : Material = new Material(Shader.Find("VertexLit"));

function Update() { var materialProperty : MaterialPropertyBlock = new MaterialPropertyBlock();

// Not shiny materialProperty.Clear(); materialProperty.AddFloat("_Shininess", 1.0); Graphics.DrawMesh(aMesh, Vector3(0,0,0), Quaternion.identity, aMaterial, 0, null, 0, materialProperty);

// More or less shiny materialProperty.Clear(); materialProperty.AddFloat("_Shininess", 0.5); Graphics.DrawMesh(aMesh, Vector3(5,0,0), Quaternion.identity, aMaterial, 0, null, 0, materialProperty);

// Shiny materialProperty.Clear(); materialProperty.AddFloat("_Shininess", 0.0); Graphics.DrawMesh(aMesh, Vector3(-5,0,0), Quaternion.identity, aMaterial, 0, null, 0, materialProperty); }
Function variant that takes nameID is faster. If you are adding properties with the same name repeatedly, use Shader.PropertyToID to get unique identifier for the name, and pass the identifier to AddFloat.
	// Draws 3 meshes with the same material but with different Shininess levels
	// Using the material tag ID.

var aMesh : Mesh; var aMaterial : Material = new Material(Shader.Find("VertexLit"));

function Update() { var materialProperty : MaterialPropertyBlock = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); var tagID : int = Shader.PropertyToID("_Shininess");

// Not shiny materialProperty.Clear(); materialProperty.AddFloat(tagID, 1.0); Graphics.DrawMesh(aMesh, Vector3(0,0,0), Quaternion.identity, aMaterial, 0, null, 0, materialProperty);

// More or less shiny materialProperty.Clear(); materialProperty.AddFloat(tagID, 0.5); Graphics.DrawMesh(aMesh, Vector3(5,0,0), Quaternion.identity, aMaterial, 0, null, 0, materialProperty);

// Shiny materialProperty.Clear(); materialProperty.AddFloat(tagID, 0.0); Graphics.DrawMesh(aMesh, Vector3(-5,0,0), Quaternion.identity, aMaterial, 0, null, 0, materialProperty); }