static function CalculatePath(sourcePosition: Vector3, targetPosition: Vector3, passableMask: int, path: NavMeshPath): bool;
static bool CalculatePath(Vector3 sourcePosition, Vector3 targetPosition, int passableMask, NavMeshPath path);
static def CalculatePath(sourcePosition as Vector3, targetPosition as Vector3, passableMask as int, path as NavMeshPath) as bool

sourcePosition The initial postion of the path requested.
targetPosition The final position of the path requested.
passableMask A mask specifying which NavMesh layers can be passed when calculating a path.
path The resulting path.
bool True if a path is found.

Calculate a path between two points and store the resulting path.

This function can be used to plan a path ahead of time to avoid a delay in gameplay when the path is needed. Another use is to check if a target position is reachable before moving the agent.
	var mesh: NavMesh;
	var target: Transform;

private var path: NavMeshPath;

function Start () { mesh.CalculatePath(transform.position, target.position, -1, path); }
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Example : MonoBehaviour {
    public NavMesh mesh;
    public Transform target;
    private NavMeshPath path;
    void Start() {
        mesh.CalculatePath(transform.position, target.position, -1, path);
import UnityEngine
import System.Collections

public class Example(MonoBehaviour):

	public mesh as NavMesh

	public target as Transform

	private path as NavMeshPath

	def Start() as void:
		mesh.CalculatePath(transform.position, target.position, -1, path)