GetTexture(propertyName: string): Texture;
Texture GetTexture(string propertyName);
def GetTexture(propertyName as string) as Texture
GetTexture(nameID: int): Texture;
Texture GetTexture(int nameID);
def GetTexture(nameID as int) as Texture

Get a named texture.

Many shaders use more than one texture. Use GetTexture to get the propertyName texture.

Common texture names used by Unity's builtin shaders:
"_MainTex" is the main diffuse texture. This can also be accessed via mainTexture property.
"_BumpMap" is the normal map.
"_Cube" is the reflection cubemap.

See Also: mainTexture property, SetTexture, Shader.PropertyToID.
	function Start () {
		var tex : Texture = renderer.material.GetTexture ("_BumpMap");
		if (tex)
			print ("My bumpmap is " +;
			print ("I have no bumpmap!");