GetComponents(type: Type): Component[];
Component[] GetComponents(Type type);
def GetComponents(type as Type) as Component[]

type The type of Component to retrieve.

Returns all components of Type type in the GameObject.

	// Disable the spring on all HingeJoints 
	// in this game object
	var hingeJoints : HingeJoint[];
	hingeJoints = GetComponents (HingeJoint);
	for (var joint : HingeJoint in hingeJoints) {
		joint.useSpring = false;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Example : MonoBehaviour {
    public HingeJoint[] hingeJoints;
    void Example() {
        hingeJoints = GetComponents<HingeJoint>();
        foreach (HingeJoint joint in hingeJoints) {
            joint.useSpring = false;
import UnityEngine
import System.Collections

public class Example(MonoBehaviour):

	public hingeJoints as (HingeJoint)

	def Example() as void:
		hingeJoints = GetComponents[of HingeJoint]()
		for joint as HingeJoint in hingeJoints:
			joint.useSpring = false

GetComponents(): T[];
T[] GetComponents();
def GetComponents() as T[]

Generic version. See the Generic Functions page for more details.