static function IsOpenForEdit(assetObject: Object): bool;
static bool IsOpenForEdit(Object assetObject);
static def IsOpenForEdit(assetObject as Object) as bool
static function IsOpenForEdit(assetPath: string): bool;
static bool IsOpenForEdit(string assetPath);
static def IsOpenForEdit(assetPath as string) as bool
static function IsOpenForEdit(assetObject: Object, message: string): bool;
static bool IsOpenForEdit(Object assetObject, string message);
static def IsOpenForEdit(assetObject as Object, message as string) as bool
static function IsOpenForEdit(assetPath: string, message: string): bool;
static bool IsOpenForEdit(string assetPath, string message);
static def IsOpenForEdit(assetPath as string, message as string) as bool

assetPath Is the path to the asset on disk relative to project folder.
message Used to give reason for not open.
bool True is the asset can be edited.

Use IsOpenForEdit to determine if the asset is open for edit by the version control.

Used to disable editor controls.