Version: 2023.1
言語: 日本語
Android のグラフィックス
Android 向けシングルパスステレオレンダリング


Unity には、エディターや実行時に画面を設定するための機能が用意されています。


Android デバイスで、アプリケーションの画面の向きを制御することができます。方向の変化を検出したり、特定の方向を強制したりすることは、ユーザーのデバイスの持ち方に応じて動作させるのに役立ちます。

現在のアプリケーションの向きを取得するには、Screen.orientation プロパティにアクセスします。利用可能な方向は以下のとおりです。

向き 動作
Portrait アプリケーションはポートレートモード (縦向き) で、デバイスが直立し、ホームボタンが下にあることを想定しています。
PortraitUpsideDown アプリケーションはポートレートモード (縦向き) ですが、逆さまになっており、デバイスが直立し、ホームボタンが上にあることを想定しています。
LandscapeLeft アプリケーションはランドスケープモード (横向き) で、デバイスが直立し、ホームボタンが右側にあることを想定しています。
LandscapeRight アプリケーションはランドスケープモード (横向き) で、デバイスが直立し、ホームボタンが左側にあることを想定しています。

To manually control the screen orientation, set Screen.orientation to one of the above orientations, or use ScreenOrientation.AutoRotation. When you enable autorotation, you can still disable some orientation on a case-by-case basis.


The screen orientation of your application may vary depending on the device orientation set by the user, regardless of your application’s default orientation setting.

The following table shows the default screen orientation set for your application and the actual orientation the application loads in based on the device orientation.

Default screen orientation: Autorotate Default screen orientation: Portrait Default screen orientation: Landscape
Device orientation: Autorotate The application screen loads in portrait, and can rotate between portrait, portrait upside down, landscape right, and landscape left orientations.
Note: On a tablet, the application screen loads in portrait or landscape orientation based on the device orientation.
The application screen loads in portrait and can rotate between portrait and portrait upside down orientations. The application screen loads in the same orientation as the device orientation. If the device orientation is portrait, the application screen loads in portrait, and can rotate to landscape orientation. In landscape orientation, the screen can only rotate between landscape right or landscape left orientations.
Note: On a tablet, if the user turns off the device autorotation setting, and then reopens the application, the application screen orientation remains unchanged.
Device orientation: Portrait lock The application screen loads and remains locked in portrait orientation.
Note: Whilst in portrait orientation, if you set the ScreenOrientation.AutoRotation property for portrait to false, the application screen remains in portrait until you rotate the device to landscape orientation. Once in landscape, the screen can’t rotate back to portrait orientation. If you now set the ScreenOrientation.AutoRotation property for landscape to false, the screen orientation remains unchanged.
The application screen loads and remains locked in portrait orientation. The application screen loads and remains locked in portrait orientation even if you set the portrait option to false. To allow screen rotation, assign the required orientation to Screen.orientation property. You can enable autorotation with ScreenOrientation.AutoRotation.
Device orientation: Landscape lock The application loads and remains locked in landscape orientation. The application loads in landscape and remains locked in landscape left or landscape right orientation depending on the device orientation even if you set either option to false.
To change the orientation, assign the required orientation to Screen.orientation property. You can enable autorotation with ScreenOrientation.AutoRotation.
The application loads in landscape and remains locked in landscape left or landscape right orientation depending on the device orientation.


Android’s multi-window mode supports Unity applications. Users can resize the windows that will contain your Unity applications so it’s best practice to make your user interface scale to non-standard aspect ratios and resolutions.

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Android のグラフィックス
Android 向けシングルパスステレオレンダリング