Verified Solutions
3D game development

Decentralized technology Verified Solutions

Due to the intricate nature of blockchain technologies that are often present in decentralized technologies, the Verified Solution vetting process for decentralized technology products includes all program criteria, as well as the following additional checks that are specific to these types of solutions:

  • Environmental impact
  • Legitimacy
  • User experience
  • Technical

Environmental impact

As a solution provider, you must show evidence of continuous efforts to reduce the environmental effects that your solution causes. Some of the ways that you can demonstrate this are to:

  • Publish periodical environmental, social, governance (ESG) or sustainability reports
  • Report, at a minimum, Scope 1 and 2 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, and report Scope 3 (if this scope accounts for more than 60% of total emissions) every year, following guidance from the GHG Protocol
  • Not have been involved in any breaches related to Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) that resulted in fines, penalties, disputes, or lawsuits
  • Have sustainability-related policies in place
  • Have measurable environmental targets, such as emissions reduction targets, a validated SBTi target, and a net zero target.
  • Communicate sustainability without greenwashing:
  • Clearly define and communicate commitments and targets, including terminologies, such as net zero, carbon neutral, carbon negative, and climate positive, each backed by science
  • Clearly define and communicate emissions reduction strategies, such as RECs, carbon offsets, carbon removals, and frontier technologies.


Although the decentralization space in gaming is new and evolving, there are regulations you must follow for your solution to be compliant. To be proactive in staying compliant, you can do the following:

  • Demonstrate that all open-source or third-party code, modules, libraries, or pieces of software are properly licensed
  • Disclose policies around personally identifiable data collection, storage, and retention to showcase compliance with GDPR, CCPA, DCIA, PIPL, or similar personal data privacy laws if any personally identifiable data is gathered and stored

Note: Solutions in the gambling space are not yet eligible to be reviewed to become Verified Solutions.

User experience

Because many users are new working with decentralized solutions, we check to ensure that Verified Solutions for decentralization have clear uses and are as user friendly as possible. To demonstrate user friendliness, do the following:

  • Provide educational content to users in respect of the importance of security and privacy practices, both in general, and in the decentralized technology space
  • Inform users up-front of any direct or indirect (financial or otherwise) risks, that come with the usage of the solution and complementary products
  • Design your solution in a monolithic way as opposed to a design with multiple versions of the same product that offer little interoperability between them


For the purpose of technical verification, we don’t verify the technical capability and security of underlying smart contracts nor the source code of the contracts regardless of the programming language used. It is up to the development and operating team to ensure functionality and security.

Technical verification scope is limited to the functioning SDK itself and no other auxiliary software or services, even if they are interacted with during the verification process.

Unity will periodically update requirements as the technologies powering decentralization in gaming technologies evolve, and will request documentation proving continued compliance with these vetting criteria.

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Verified Solutions
3D game development