Shader keyword fundamentals
Choose which type of keyword to use in shaders

Shader keyword scope fundamentals

When you declare a set of keywords, you choose whether the keywords in the set have local or global scope. This determines whether you can override the state of this keyword at runtime using a global shaderA program that runs on the GPU. More info
See in Glossary

By default, you declare keywords with global scope. This means that you can override the state of this keyword at runtime using a global shader keyword. If you declare keywords with local scope, this means that you cannot override the state of this keyword at runtime using a global shader keyword. For more information and a code example, see Using shader keywords with C# scripts.

Note: If a keyword with the same name exists in a shader source file and its dependencies, the scope of the keyword in the source file overrides the scope in the dependencies. Dependencies comprise all Shaders that are included via the Fallback command, and Passes that are included via the UsePass command.

To set this value, see the following documentation:

Shader keywords and C# keywords

Local and global shader keywords

When Unity represents shader keywords in C#, it uses the concept of local shader keywords and global shader keywords.

Local shader keywords comprise all keywords that you declare in shader source files. Local shader keywords affect an individual shader or compute shader. Local keywords can have local or global scope, which affects whether they can be overridden by global shader keywords.

Global shader keywords act as overrides for local shader keywords. You don’t declare these in shader source files; they exist only in C# code. Global shader keywords can affect multiple shaders and compute shaders at the same time.

Local shader keywords

When you declare a shader keyword in a shader source file, Unity represents this in C# with a LocalKeyword struct. This is called a local shader keyword.

The isOverridable property of a LocalKeyword indicates whether the keyword was declared with a global or local scope in the source file. It is true if the keyword was declared with global scope and can therefore be overridden by a global shader keyword with the same name. It is false if the keyword was declared with local scope, and therefore cannot be overridden by a global shader keyword with the same name.

Unity stores all local shader keywords that affect a shader or compute shader in a LocalKeywordSpace struct. For a graphics shader, you can access this with Shader.keywordSpace. For a compute shader, you can access this with ComputeShader-keywordSpace.

Global shader keywords

In addition to the local shader keywords that you declared in your source files, Unity maintains a separate list of global shader keywords. You don’t declare these in shader source files; instead, they are runtime overrides for local shader keywords that you work with in C#. Global shader keywords can affect multiple shaders and compute shaders at the same time.

Unity represents a global shader keyword with a GlobalKeyword struct.

Setting a global shader keyword can be convenient when you need to enable or disable the same shader keyword for many materials and compute shaders. However, it has the following potential downsides:

  • Setting the global state of keywords can lead to unintended consequences if shaders accidentally define a keyword with the same name. You can guard against this by declaring keywords with local scope, or by naming keywords in a way that reduces the likelihood of clashes.
  • When you create a new GlobalKeyword, Unity updates its internal mapping between global and local keyword space for all shaders and compute shaders loaded at this point. This can be a CPU-intensive operation. To reduce the impact of this operation, try to create all global keywords shortly after application startup, while your application is loading.

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Shader keyword fundamentals
Choose which type of keyword to use in shaders