This version of Unity is unsupported.
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


class in UnityEngine.Experimental.XR


Inherits from:IntegratedSubsystem


Implemented in:UnityEngine.XRModule


An XRDisplaySubsystem controls rendering to a head tracked display.


contentProtectionEnabledSets or gets the state of content protection for the current active provider. For most providers, content protection allows you to use write only textures for rendering. This stops the ability for apps to read textures from the graphics card and view/record images that may be protected in some way.
displayOpaqueDetermines if the current attached device has an opaque display. Most VR devices are opaque in order to increase the immersive experience, AR devices are transparent to allow for interaction with an augmentation of the current environment.
reprojectionModeThe kind of reprojection the app requests to stabilize its holographic rendering relative to the user's head motion.
singlePassRenderingDisabledReturns true when single pass stereo rendering is disabled and returns false if otherwise.

Public Methods

SetFocusPlaneSets a point in 3D space that acts as the focal point of the Scene for this frame. This helps to improve the visual fidelity of content around this point. You must set this value every frame. Note that specifying body-locked content in focus improves the fidelity of body-locked content at the expense of content not locked to the body. This is especially apparent when the user moves.


displayFocusChangedEvent sent when XR display focus changes.

Inherited Members


runningWhether or not the subsystem is running.

Public Methods

DestroyDestroys this instance of a subsystem.
StartStarts an instance of a subsystem.
StopStops an instance of a subsystem.