This version of Unity is unsupported.
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


class in UnityEngine.Experimental.XR


Inherits from:IntegratedSubsystem


Implemented in:UnityEngine.XRModule


Provides methods and properties that allow for querying information specific to the platform experience.


experienceTypeInstance of XRExperienceSubsystem.ExperienceType that describes the experience the current session is running in.
trackingOriginUsed to get the current XRExperienceSubsystem.TrackingOrigin that determines the origin of the current XR space.

Public Methods

GetAllBoundaryPointsIf the current expereince is XRExperienceSubsystem.ExperienceType.Bounded, this will return the set of points that describe the bounded area the user can move within. For any other experience type this will return an empty list.


BoundaryChangedEvent fired if a provider detects a boundary change. Clients subscribing to this event should call into XRExperienceSubsystem.GetAllBoundaryPoints to refresh their data.
ExperienceTypeChangedEvent fired if a provider detects a boundary change. Clients subscribing to this event should access XRExperienceSubsystem.experienceType to refresh their data.

Inherited Members


runningWhether or not the subsystem is running.

Public Methods

DestroyDestroys this instance of a subsystem.
StartStarts an instance of a subsystem.
StopStops an instance of a subsystem.