Legacy Documentation: Version 4.6.2
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Namespace: UnityEngine


Access to application run-time data.

This class contains static methods for looking up information about and controlling the run-time data.

Static Variables

absoluteURL The absolute path to the web player data file (Read Only).
backgroundLoadingPriority Priority of background loading thread.
dataPath Contains the path to the game data folder (Read Only).
genuine Returns false if application is altered in any way after it was built.
genuineCheckAvailable Returns true if application integrity can be confirmed.
internetReachability Returns the type of Internet reachability currently possible on the device.
isConsolePlatform Is the current Runtime platform a known console platform.
isEditor Are we running inside the Unity editor? (Read Only)
isLoadingLevel Is some level being loaded? (Read Only)
isMobilePlatform Is the current Runtime platform a known mobile platform.
isPlaying Returns true when in any kind of player (Read Only).
isWebPlayer Are we running inside a web player? (Read Only)
levelCount The total number of levels available (Read Only).
loadedLevel The level index that was last loaded (Read Only).
loadedLevelName The name of the level that was last loaded (Read Only).
persistentDataPath Contains the path to a persistent data directory (Read Only).
platform Returns the platform the game is running (Read Only).
runInBackground Should the player be running when the application is in the background?
srcValue The path to the web player data file relative to the html file (Read Only).
streamedBytes How many bytes have we downloaded from the main unity web stream (Read Only).
streamingAssetsPath Contains the path to the StreamingAssets folder (Read Only).
systemLanguage The language the user's operating system is running in.
targetFrameRate Instructs game to try to render at a specified frame rate.
temporaryCachePath Contains the path to a temporary data / cache directory (Read Only).
unityVersion The version of the Unity runtime used to play the content.
webSecurityEnabled Indicates whether Unity's webplayer security model is enabled.

Static Functions

CancelQuit Cancels quitting the application. This is useful for showing a splash screen at the end of a game.
CanStreamedLevelBeLoaded Can the streamed level be loaded?
CaptureScreenshot Captures a screenshot at path filename as a PNG file.
ExternalCall Calls a function in the containing web page (Web Player only).
ExternalEval Evaluates script snippet in the containing web page (Web Player only).
GetStreamProgressForLevel How far has the download progressed? [0...1].
HasProLicense Is Unity activated with the Pro license?
HasUserAuthorization Check if the user has authorized use of the webcam or microphone in the Web Player.
LoadLevel Loads the level by its name or index.
LoadLevelAdditive Loads a level additively.
LoadLevelAdditiveAsync Loads the level additively and asynchronously in the background.
LoadLevelAsync Loads the level asynchronously in the background.
OpenURL Opens the url in a browser.
Quit Quits the player application.
RegisterLogCallback Register a delegate to be called on log messages.
RegisterLogCallbackThreaded Register a delegate to be called on log messages.
RequestUserAuthorization Request authorization to use the webcam or microphone in the Web Player.