Namespace: UnityEngine
NotificationServices is only available on iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch.
It is used for scheduling, registering and handling notifications.
deviceToken | Device token received from Apple Push Service after calling NotificationServices.RegisterForRemoteNotificationTypes. (Read Only) |
enabledRemoteNotificationTypes | The types of notifications the application accepts. |
localNotificationCount | The number of received local notifications. (Read Only) |
localNotifications | The list of objects representing received local notifications. (Read Only) |
registrationError | Returns an error that might occur on registration for remote notifications via NotificationServices.RegisterForRemoteNotificationTypes. (Read Only) |
remoteNotificationCount | The number of received remote notifications. (Read Only) |
remoteNotifications | The list of objects representing received remote notifications. (Read Only) |
scheduledLocalNotifications | All currently scheduled local notifications. |
CancelAllLocalNotifications | Cancels the delivery of all scheduled local notifications. |
CancelLocalNotification | Cancels the delivery of the specified scheduled local notification. |
ClearLocalNotifications | Discards of all received local notifications. |
ClearRemoteNotifications | Discards of all received remote notifications. |
GetLocalNotification | Returns an object representing a specific local notification. (Read Only) |
GetRemoteNotification | Returns an object representing a specific remote notification. (Read Only) |
PresentLocalNotificationNow | Presents a local notification immediately. |
RegisterForLocalNotificationTypes | Register to receive local notifications of the specified types. |
RegisterForRemoteNotificationTypes | Register to receive remote notifications of the specified types from a provider via Apple Push Service. |
ScheduleLocalNotification | Schedules a local notification. |
UnregisterForRemoteNotifications | Unregister for remote notifications. |