Invokes delegate on Android application's main thread.
This is useful if you receive a Java callback on the UI thread, but want to process result on Unity's main thread.
Additional resources: Threads
using System.Threading; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Android;
public class JavaThreads : MonoBehaviour { public class MyButtonListener : AndroidJavaProxy { public MyButtonListener() : base("android.view.View$OnClickListener") { }
public void onClick(AndroidJavaObject view) { Debug.Log($"onClick called on UI thread ${Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}");
AndroidApplication.InvokeOnUnityMainThread(() => { Debug.Log($"Delegating to main thread ${Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}"); });
view.Dispose(); } } public void Start() { AndroidApplication.InvokeOnUIThread(() => { // Button can only be added on UI thread using var button = new AndroidJavaObject("android.widget.Button", AndroidApplication.currentActivity); button.Call("setText", "Hello World"); using var layoutParams = new AndroidJavaObject("android.widget.LinearLayout$LayoutParams", 500, 100); button.Call("setLayoutParams", layoutParams); button.Call("setOnClickListener", new MyButtonListener());
AndroidApplication.unityPlayer .Call<AndroidJavaObject>("getFrameLayout") .Call("addView", button); }); } }