Mirrors the ScreenOrientation
For more information about the attribute, see Android's documentation: ScreenOrientation attribute
Property | Description |
Null | Attribute is not set and will not appear in the element. |
Unspecified | Mirrors android:screenOrientation="unspecified". |
Behind | Mirrors android:screenOrientation="behind". |
Landscape | Mirrors android:screenOrientation="landscape". |
Portrait | Mirrors android:screenOrientation="portrait". |
ReverseLandscape | Mirrors android:screenOrientation="reverseLandscape". |
ReversePortrait | Mirrors android:screenOrientation="reversePortrait". |
SensorLandscape | Mirrors android:screenOrientation="sensorLandscape". |
SensorPortrait | Mirrors android:screenOrientation="sensorPortrait". |
UserLandscape | Mirrors android:screenOrientation="userLandscape". |
UserPortrait | Mirrors android:screenOrientation="userPortrait". |
Sensor | Mirrors android:screenOrientation="sensor". |
FullSensor | Mirrors android:screenOrientation="fullSensor". |
NoSensor | Mirrors android:screenOrientation="noSensor". |
User | Mirrors android:screenOrientation="user". |
FullUser | Mirrors android:screenOrientation="fullUser". |
Locked | Mirrors android:screenOrientation="locked". |