This enum provides context to where the 0,0,0 point of tracking for InputDevices is.
Each XRInputSubsystem has a single origin for all reported InputDevices. The origin can be relative to either real-world objects, such as a physical tracking device, or virtual objects, such as the center of a user-drawn bounding region.
Property | Description |
Unknown | TrackingOriginModeFlags.Unknown enumerates when the XRInputSubsystem was not able to set its tracking origin or has no tracking. |
Device | XRInputSubsystem tracks all InputDevices in reference to the first known location of a specific InputDevice when set to TrackingOriginModeFlags.Device. |
Floor | XRInputSubsystem tracks all InputDevices in reference to a point on the floor when set to TrackingOriginModeFlags.Floor. |
TrackingReference | XRInputSubsystem tracks all InputDevices in reference to an InputDevice with the InputDeviceCharacteristics.TrackingReference flag set when set to TrackingOriginModeFlags.TrackingReference. |
Unbounded | XRInputSubsystem tracks all InputDevices in relation to a world anchor. This world anchor can change at any time, and is chosen by the runtime. |