Method |
Description |
Add | Adds a copy of all the PhysicsShape2D and their geometry from the specified physicsShapeGroup into this shape group. The specified physicsShapeGroup is not modified. |
AddBox | Adds a box shape (PhysicsShapeType2D.Polygon) to the shape group. |
AddCapsule | Adds a capsule shape (PhysicsShapeType2D.Capsule) to the shape group. |
AddCircle | Adds a circle shape (PhysicsShapeType2D.Circle) to the shape group. |
AddEdges | Adds an edges shape (PhysicsShapeType2D.Edges) to the shape group. |
AddPolygon | Adds a polygon shape (PhysicsShapeType2D.Polygon) to the shape group. |
Clear | Clears all the vertices and shapes from the PhysicsShapeGroup. |
DeleteShape | When destroying a shape at the specified shapeIndex, all other shapes that exist above the specified shapeIndex will have their shape indices updated appropriately. |
GetShape | Gets the PhysicsShape2D stored at the specified shapeIndex. |
GetShapeData | Gets a copy of both the shapes and vertices in the PhysicsShapeGroup2D. |
GetShapeVertex | Gets a single vertex of a shape. The vertex index is zero-based with the shape having a quantity of vertex specified by PhysicsShape2D.vertexCount. |
GetShapeVertices | Gets a copy of the shape vertices in the PhysicsShapeGroup2D. |
SetShapeAdjacentVertices | Sets the adjacent vertices of a shape. |
SetShapeRadius | Sets the radius of a shape. |
SetShapeVertex | Sets a single vertex of a shape. |