Class |
Description |
Action | The C# definition of the <action> Android Manifest element. |
Activity | The C# definition of the <activity> Android Manifest element. |
ActivityAlias | The C# definition of the <activity-alias> Android Manifest element. |
AfterEvaluate | The C# definition of the AfterEvaluate element in a gradle file. |
AllProjects | The C# definition of the allprojects element in a gradle file. |
Android | The C# definition of the android element in a gradle file. |
AndroidComponents | The C# definition of the androidComponents element in a gradle file. |
AndroidManifestFile | A definition of Android Manifest file. Contains XML prolog and root Manifest element. |
AndroidResources | The C# definition of the androidResources element in a gradle file. |
Application | The C# definition of the <application> Android Manifest element. |
ApplyPluginList | An element that holds a list of plugins to be applied in a gradle file. |
AttributeBoolean | An attribute that represents a bool value. |
AttributeEnumArray<T0> | An attribute that represents an Enum[] value. |
AttributeEnumString<T0> | An attribute that represents an Enum value. |
AttributeFloat | An attribute that represents a float value. |
AttributeInteger | An attribute that represents an integer value. |
AttributeString | An attribute that represents a string value. |
AttributeStringArray | An attribute that represents a string[] value. |
AttributeUnit | An attribute that represents an integer value with Unit type. |
BaseAttribute | Abstract base class for all existing Androuid manifest attributes. |
BaseAttributesContainer | The base attributes container for all elements. |
BaseBlock | Abstract base class for all existing block elements. |
BaseElement | Abstract base class for all existing gradle file elements. |
BaseElement | Abstract base class for all existing Android manifest elements. |
BaseGradleFile | Base abstract class for all gradle files. This class does not provide any public methods. |
BaseProperty | Abstract base class for all existing property elements. |
Block | A custom block. Can be used to create any custom named block with child elements. |
Buildscript | The C# definition of the buildscript element in a gradle file. |
BuildType | The C# definition of the buildTypes child element in a gradle file. |
BuildTypes | The C# definition of the buildTypes element in a gradle file. |
Bundle | The C# definition of the bundle element in a gradle file. |
BundleElement | A class to define elements inside bundle block. |
Category | The C# definition of the <category> Android Manifest element. |
CompatibleScreens | The C# definition of the <compatible-screens> Android Manifest element. |
CompileOptions | The C# definition of the compileOptions element in a gradle file. |
Data | The C# definition of the <data> Android Manifest element. |
Dependencies | The C# definition of the dependencies element in a gradle file. |
DependencyResolutionManagement | The C# definition of the dependencyResolutionManagement element in a gradle file. |
Element | An empty element that can be set to any string. |
ElementsList<T0> | A list of Android manifest elements. |
ExternalNativeBuild | The C# definition of the externalNativeBuild element in a gradle file. |
Flavor | The C# definition of the productFlavor type. |
GradlePlugin | Definition of a dependency gradle plugin. |
GradlePropertiesFile | The C# definition of file. |
GradleSettingsFile | The C# definition of settings.gradle file. |
GrantUriPermission | The C# definition of the <grant-uri-permission> Android Manifest element. |
IncludeList | The C# definition of a list of include element in a gradle file. |
Instrumentation | The C# definition of the <instrumentation> Android Manifest element. |
Intent | The C# definition of the <intent> Android Manifest element. |
IntentFilter | The C# definition of the <intent-filter> Android Manifest element. |
JniLibs | The C# definition of the jniLibs element in a gradle file. |
Layout | The C# definition of the <layout> Android Manifest element. |
Lint | The C# definition of the lint element in a gradle file. |
LocalPropertiesFile | The C# definition of file. |
Manifest | The C# definition of the <manifest> Android Manifest element. |
MetaData | The C# definition of the <meta-data> Android Manifest element. |
ModuleBuildGradleFile | The C# definition of module-level gradle file. |
NativeBuildOption | The C# definition of externalNativeBuild build options in a gradle file. |
Ndk | The C# definition of the Ndk element in a gradle file. |
Package | The C# definition of the <package> Android Manifest element. |
Packaging | The C# definition of the packaging element in a gradle file. |
PathPermission | The C# definition of the <path-permission> Android Manifest element. |
Permission | The C# definition of the <permission> Android Manifest element. |
PermissionGroup | The C# definition of the <permission-group> Android Manifest element. |
PermissionTree | The C# definition of the <permission-tree> Android Manifest element. |
PluginManagement | The C# definition of the pluginManagement element in a settings.gradle file. |
Plugins | The C# definition of the plugins element in a gradle file. |
ProductFlavors | The C# definition of acustom productFlavor element in a gradle file. |
Profileable | The C# definition of the <profileable> Android Manifest element. |
ProjectLevelBuildGradleFile | The C# definition of the prpject-level (top-level) file. |
Property<T0> | Base class for all properties in gradle files. |
PropertyBoolean | Boolean property type. |
PropertyEnum<T0> | Generic Enum property type. |
PropertyString | String property type. |
PropertyStringArray | String array property type. |
PropertyUnsignedInteger | Unsigned integer property type. |
Provider | The C# definition of the <provider> Android Manifest element. |
Queries | The C# definition of the <queries> Android Manifest element. |
Receiver | The C# definition of the <receiver> Android Manifest element. |
Repositories | The C# definition of the repositories element in a gradle file. |
Screen | The C# definition of the <screen> Android Manifest element. |
Service | The C# definition of the <service> Android Manifest element. |
SigningConfig | The C# definition of the signingConfigs child elements in a gradle file. |
SigningConfigs | The C# definition of the signingConfigs element in a gradle file. This element is a block and contains signingConfig elements. |
SupportsGlTexture | The C# definition of the <supports-gl-texture> Android Manifest element. |
SupportsScreens | The C# definition of the <supports-screens> Android Manifest element. |
UsesConfiguration | The C# definition of the <uses-configuration> Android Manifest element. |
UsesFeature | The C# definition of the <uses-feature> Android Manifest element. |
UsesLibrary | The C# definition of the <uses-library> Android Manifest element. |
UsesNativeLibrary | The C# definition of the <uses-native-library> Android Manifest element. |
UsesPermission | The C# definition of the <uses-permission> Android Manifest element. |
UsesPermissionSdk23 | The C# definition of the <uses-permission-sdk-23> Android Manifest element. |
UsesSdk | The C# definition of the <uses-sdk> Android Manifest element. |
XmlProlog | The C# definition of the <xml> Android Manifest element. |