Version: Unity 6 Preview (6000.0)
  • C#


class in Unity.Hierarchy


Implemented in:UnityEngine.HierarchyCoreModule

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Provides a base class for hierarchy node type handlers.


CommandList Get the HierarchyCommandList associated with this handler.
Hierarchy Get the Hierarchy owning this handler.

Public Methods

Dispose Disposes this hierarchy node type handler to free up resources in the derived class.
GetDefaultNodeFlags Get the default value used to initialize a hierarchy node flags.
GetNodeType Retrieves the hierarchy node type for this hierarchy node type handler.
GetNodeTypeName Get the type name of this hierarchy node type handler.
SearchMatch Determines if a node matches the search query.

Protected Methods

Initialize Initializes this hierarchy node type handler.
SearchBegin Called when a new search query begins.
SearchEnd Called when a search query ends.