Type of destination for the images read by a VideoPlayer.
Set this enumeration to determine where and how the VideoPlayer renders the images of a video clip.
// This script switches between the render modes when you press the Spacebar. // To set up your project for this script: // 1. Attach this script to a GameObject in your scene. // 2. Add a VideoPlayer component to your GameObject. // 3. Assign a Camera to the script component in the Inspector. // 4. Add a plane to your scene. // 5. Create a Material (right click in Asset folder, Create > Material). // 6. Create a new RenderTexture (right click in Asset folder, Create > Material). // 7. Assign the RenderTexture to the Inspector of your material (Base Map). // 8. Assign the material to your plane.
using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Video;
public class VideoRenderModeExample : MonoBehaviour { VideoPlayer videoPlayer; public RenderTexture renderTexture; Camera mainCamera;
// Tracks the current render mode. private int renderModeIndex = 0;
void Start() { mainCamera = Camera.main; videoPlayer = GetComponent<VideoPlayer>(); videoPlayer.isLooping = true; UpdateRenderMode(); }
private void Update() { // If you press the Spacebar, cycle through the render modes. if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) { renderModeIndex = (renderModeIndex + 1) % 5; UpdateRenderMode(); } }
void UpdateRenderMode() { ClearPreviousRenderMode(); // Switch render mode when you press the Spacebar. switch (renderModeIndex) { case 0: SwitchToRenderTexture(); break; case 1: SwitchToCameraNearPlane(); break; case 2: SwitchToCameraFarPlane(); break; case 3: SwitchToAPIOnly(); break; case 4: SwitchToMaterialOverride(); break; } }
// Show video on the surface of an object. void SwitchToRenderTexture() { videoPlayer.renderMode = VideoRenderMode.RenderTexture; videoPlayer.targetTexture = renderTexture; Debug.Log("Switched to RenderTexture mode"); }
// Show the video on your screen in front of your Scene. void SwitchToCameraNearPlane() { videoPlayer.renderMode = VideoRenderMode.CameraNearPlane; videoPlayer.targetCamera = mainCamera; Debug.Log("Switched to CameraNearPlane mode"); }
// Show video in the background of your Scene, behind your objects. void SwitchToCameraFarPlane() { videoPlayer.renderMode = VideoRenderMode.CameraFarPlane; videoPlayer.targetCamera = mainCamera; Debug.Log("Switched to CameraFarPlane mode"); }
// Don't show the video anywhere. void SwitchToAPIOnly() { videoPlayer.renderMode = VideoRenderMode.APIOnly; Debug.Log("Switched to APIOnly mode"); }
// Show the video wherever a certain material is applied. void SwitchToMaterialOverride() { videoPlayer.renderMode = VideoRenderMode.MaterialOverride; Debug.Log("Switched to Material Override mode"); }
// Clear the previous render target from the VideoPlayer. void ClearPreviousRenderMode() { // Temporarily disable rendering. videoPlayer.renderMode = VideoRenderMode.APIOnly; videoPlayer.targetTexture = null; videoPlayer.targetCamera = null;
// Clear the RenderTexture. if (renderTexture != null) { RenderTexture.active = renderTexture; GL.Clear(true, true, Color.clear); RenderTexture.active = null; } } }
Property | Description |
CameraFarPlane | Draw video content behind a camera's scene. |
CameraNearPlane | Draw video content in front of a camera's scene. |
RenderTexture | Draw video content into a RenderTexture. |
MaterialOverride | Draw the video content into a user-specified property of the current GameObject's material. |
APIOnly | Don't draw the video content anywhere, but still make it available via the VideoPlayer's texture property in the API. |