Class |
Description |
ArrayPropertyBag<T0> |
An IPropertyBag_1 implementation for a built in array of TElement.
ConcreteTypeVisitor |
Base class to implement a visitor responsible for getting an object's concrete type as a generic.
ContainerPropertyBag<T0> |
Base class for implementing a static property bag for a specified container type. This is an abstract class.
CreatePropertyAttribute |
Use this attribute to have a property generated for the member.
DelegateProperty<T0,T1> |
Represents a value property.
DictionaryPropertyBag<T0,T1> |
An IPropertyBag_1 implementation for a Dictionary_2 type.
DontCreatePropertyAttribute |
Use this attribute to prevent have a property from being automatically generated on a public field.
GeneratePropertyBagAttribute |
Use this attribute to have the source generator generate property bags for a given type.
GeneratePropertyBagsForAssemblyAttribute |
Use this attribute to enable the source generator to run on this assembly.
GeneratePropertyBagsForTypeAttribute |
Use this attribute to have the source generator generate a property bag for a given type.
This attribute works for the specified type ONLY, it does NOT include derived types.
GeneratePropertyBagsForTypesQualifiedWithAttribute |
Use this attribute to have the properties source generator generate property bags for types implementing the specified interface.
HashSetPropertyBag<T0> |
An IPropertyBag_1 implementation for a HashSet_1 type.
IndexedCollectionPropertyBag<T0,T1> |
An IPropertyBag_1 implementation for a generic collection of elements which can be accessed by index. This is based on the IList_1 interface.
InvalidContainerTypeException |
The exception that is thrown when trying to visit an invalid container type.
InvalidPathException |
The exception that is thrown when trying to resolve an invalid path.
KeyValueCollectionPropertyBag<T0,T1,T2> |
An IPropertyBag_1 implementation for a generic collection of key/value pairs using the IDictionary_2 interface.
KeyValuePairPropertyBag<T0,T1> |
A IPropertyBag_1 implementation for a generic key/value pair.
ListPropertyBag<T0> |
A IPropertyBag_1 implementation for a List_1 type.
MissingPropertyBagException |
The exception that is thrown when trying to visit a container with no property bag.
PathVisitor |
Helper visitor to visit a single property using a specified PropertyPath.
Property<T0,T1> |
Base class for implementing properties. This is an abstract class.
PropertyBag |
The PropertyBag class provides access to registered property bag instances.
PropertyBag<T0> |
Base class for implementing a property bag for a specified container type. This is an abstract class.
PropertyContainer |
The PropertyContainer class is used as the entry point to operate on data containers using properties.
PropertyVisitor |
Base class for implementing algorithms using properties. This is an abstract class.
ReflectedMemberProperty<T0,T1> |
A ReflectedMemberProperty_2 provides strongly typed access to an underlying FieldInfo or PropertyInfo object.
SetPropertyBagBase<T0,T1> |
A IPropertyBag_1 implementation for a generic set of elements using the ISet_1 interface.
TypeConversion |
Helper class to handle type conversion during properties API calls.
TypeTraits |
Helper class to avoid paying the cost of runtime type lookups.
TypeTraits<T0> |
Helper class to avoid paying the cost of runtime type lookups. This is also used to abstract underlying type info in the runtime (e.g. RuntimeTypeHandle vs StaticTypeReg)
TypeUtility |
Utility class around System.Type.