Version: Unity 6 Preview (6000.0)
  • C#


struct in UnityEngine.AMD


Implemented in:UnityEngine.AMDModule

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Represents the state of a FSR2Context. If you call Device.ExecuteFSR2, Unity sends the values in this struct to the runtime. After this, you can change the values in this struct without any side effects.


cameraFarThe distance to the far plane of the camera.
cameraFovAngleVerticalThe camera angle field of view in the vertical direction (expressed in radians).
cameraNearThe distance to the near plane of the camera.
enableSharpeningEnable an additional sharpening pass.
frameTimeDeltaThe time elapsed since the last frame (expressed in milliseconds).
jitterOffsetXThe subpixel jitter offset applied to the camera (X axis).
jitterOffsetYThe subpixel jitter offset applied to the camera (Y axis).
MVScaleXThe scale factor to apply to motion vectors (X axis).
MVScaleYThe scale factor to apply to motion vectors (Y axis).
preExposureThe pre exposure value (must be > 0.0f).
renderSizeHeightThe height resolution that was used for rendering the input resources.
renderSizeWidthThe width resolution that was used for rendering the input resources.
resetA boolean value which when set to true, indicates the camera has moved discontinuously.
sharpnessThe sharpness value between 0 and 1, where 0 is no additional sharpness and 1 is maximum additional sharpness.