Method |
Description |
Add |
Adds a new node that has a specified parent node to the hierarchy.
Clear |
Clears all commands from the command list.
ClearProperty |
Clears a property value for the specified hierarchy node.
Dispose |
Disposes the command list and releases its memory.
Execute |
Executes all the commands in the hierarchy command list.
ExecuteIncremental |
Executes one command from the hierarchy command list.
ExecuteIncrementalTimed |
Executes commands from the hierarchy command list until a time limit is reached.
Remove |
Removes a node from the hierarchy.
RemoveChildren |
Recursively removes all children of a node.
Reserve |
Reserves memory for nodes to use. Use this to avoid memory allocation hits when you add batches of nodes.
SetName |
Sets a name for a hierarchy node.
SetParent |
Sets the parent node of a hierarchy node.
SetProperty |
Sets a value for a property of a hierarchy node.
SetSortIndex |
Sets the sorting index for a hierarchy node.
SortChildren |
Sorts the child nodes of a hierarchy node by their sort index.