Version: Unity 6 Preview (6000.0)
  • C#


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public static Rendering.GlobalKeyword Create(string name);


name The name of the global shader keyword.


GlobalKeyword Returns a new instance of the GlobalKeyword class.


Creates and returns a GlobalKeyword that represents a new or existing global shader keyword.

Unity creates and returns a GlobalKeyword struct to represent the global shader keyword with the given name. If a global shader keyword with the given name does not yet exist in Unity's internal list of global shader keywords, Unity adds a global shader keyword with the given name to the list.

The following example creates a GlobalKeyword struct with the name EXAMPLE_FEATURE_ON, and caches it. It provides functions to enable and disable it.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;

public class GlobalKeywordExample : MonoBehaviour { private GlobalKeyword exampleFeatureKeyword;

private void Start() { exampleFeatureKeyword = GlobalKeyword.Create("EXAMPLE_FEATURE_ON"); }

public void EnableExampleFeature() { Shader.EnableKeyword(exampleFeatureKeyword); }

public void DisableExampleFeature() { Shader.DisableKeyword(exampleFeatureKeyword); } }