Version: 2023.2
  • C#


class in UnityEngine.Rendering


Implemented in:UnityEngine.CoreModule

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Allows the asynchronous read back of GPU resources.

This class is used to copy resource data from the GPU to the CPU without any stall (GPU or CPU), but adds a few frames of latency. Additional resources: AsyncGPUReadbackRequest.

Additional resources: SystemInfo.supportsAsyncGPUReadback, SystemInfo.supportsAsyncGPUReadback.

Static Methods

RequestRetrieves data asynchronously from a GPU resource.
RequestAsyncRetrieves data asynchronously from a GPU resource.
RequestIntoNativeArrayRetrieves data asynchronously from a GPU Texture resource.
RequestIntoNativeArrayAsyncRetrieves data asynchronously from a GPU Texture resource.
RequestIntoNativeSliceRetrieves data asynchronously from a GPU Texture resource.
RequestIntoNativeSliceAsyncRetrieves data asynchronously from a GPU Texture resource.
WaitAllRequestsWaits until the completion of every request.