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class in Unity.Android.Gradle.Manifest


Inherits from:Unity.Android.Gradle.Manifest.BaseAttributesContainer


The attributes container for the <application> element.


AllowBackupThe C# definition of the android:allowBackup Android Manifest attribute.
AllowClearUserDataThe C# definition of the android:allowClearUserData Android Manifest attribute.
AllowNativeHeapPointerTaggingThe C# definition of the android:allowNativeHeapPointerTagging Android Manifest attribute.
AllowTaskReparentingThe C# definition of the android:allowTaskReparenting Android Manifest attribute.
BackupAgentThe C# definition of the android:backupAgent Android Manifest attribute.
BackupInForegroundThe C# definition of the android:backupInForeground Android Manifest attribute.
BannerThe C# definition of the android:banner Android Manifest attribute.
DataExtractionRulesThe C# definition of the android:dataExtractionRules Android Manifest attribute.
DebuggableThe C# definition of the android:debuggable Android Manifest attribute.
DescriptionThe C# definition of the android:description Android Manifest attribute.
EnabledThe C# definition of the android:enabled Android Manifest attribute.
ExtractNativeLibsThe C# definition of the android:extractNativeLibs Android Manifest attribute.
FullBackupContentThe C# definition of the android:fullBackupContent Android Manifest attribute.
FullBackupOnlyThe C# definition of the android:fullBackupOnly Android Manifest attribute.
GwpAsanModeThe C# definition of the android:gwpAsanMode Android Manifest attribute.
HardwareAcceleratedThe C# definition of the android:hardwareAccelerated Android Manifest attribute.
HasCodeThe C# definition of the android:hasCode Android Manifest attribute.
HasFragileUserDataThe C# definition of the android:hasFragileUserData Android Manifest attribute.
IconThe C# definition of the android:icon Android Manifest attribute.
IsGameThe C# definition of the android:isGame Android Manifest attribute.
KillAfterRestoreThe C# definition of the android:killAfterRestore Android Manifest attribute.
LabelThe C# definition of the android:label Android Manifest attribute.
LargeHeapThe C# definition of the android:largeHeap Android Manifest attribute.
LogoThe C# definition of the android:logo Android Manifest attribute.
ManageSpaceActivityThe C# definition of the android:manageSpaceActivity Android Manifest attribute.
NameThe C# definition of the android:name Android Manifest attribute.
NetworkSecurityConfigThe C# definition of the android:networkSecurityConfig Android Manifest attribute.
PermissionThe C# definition of the android:permission Android Manifest attribute.
PersistentThe C# definition of the android:persistent Android Manifest attribute.
ProcessThe C# definition of the android:process Android Manifest attribute.
RequestLegacyExternalStorageThe C# definition of the android:requestLegacyExternalStorage Android Manifest attribute.
RequiredAccountTypeThe C# definition of the android:requiredAccountType Android Manifest attribute.
ResizeableActivityThe C# definition of the android:resizeableActivity Android Manifest attribute.
RestoreAnyVersionThe C# definition of the android:restoreAnyVersion Android Manifest attribute.
RestrictedAccountTypeThe C# definition of the android:restrictedAccountType Android Manifest attribute.
RoundIconThe C# definition of the android:roundIcon Android Manifest attribute.
SupportsRtlThe C# definition of the android:supportsRtl Android Manifest attribute.
TaskAffinityThe C# definition of the android:taskAffinity Android Manifest attribute.
TestOnlyThe C# definition of the android:testOnly Android Manifest attribute.
ThemeThe C# definition of the android:theme Android Manifest attribute.
UiOptionsThe C# definition of the android:uiOptions Android Manifest attribute.
UsesCleartextTrafficThe C# definition of the android:usesCleartextTraffic Android Manifest attribute.
VmSafeModeThe C# definition of the android:vmSafeMode Android Manifest attribute.

Inherited Members


ToolsNodeThe C# definition of the tools:node Android Manifest attribute.
ToolsRemoveThe C# definition of the tools:remove Android Manifest attribute.
ToolsReplaceThe C# definition of the tools:replace Android Manifest attribute.
ToolsSelectorThe C# definition of the tools:selector Android Manifest attribute.
ToolsStrictThe C# definition of the tools:strict Android Manifest attribute.