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class in UnityEditor.UIElements


Converts a UxmlAttribute type to and from a string.

Fields marked with UxmlAttributeAttribute are represented in UXML by a single string attribute, however, to properly serialize these attributes, you must declare a UxmlAttributeConverter. This converter converts the string attribute value into the appropriate data type for the marked field.

Note: The following types have native support and you can use them without declaring a UxmlAttributeConverter:

The following example creates a custom control that uses a class instance and a list of class instances as its attributes.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;

[Serializable] public class MyClassWithData { public int myInt; public float myFloat; }

[UxmlElement] public partial class MyElementWithData : VisualElement { [UxmlAttribute] public MyClassWithData someData;

[UxmlAttribute] public List<MyClassWithData> lotsOfData; }

To support the class, declare a converter:

using UnityEditor.UIElements;

public class MyClassWithDataConverter : UxmlAttributeConverter<MyClassWithData> { public override MyClassWithData FromString(string value) { // Split using a | so that comma (,) can be used by the list. var split = value.Split('|');

return new MyClassWithData { myInt = int.Parse(split[0]), myFloat = float.Parse(split[1]) }; }

public override string ToString(MyClassWithData value) => $"{value.myInt}|{value.myFloat}"; }

Example UXML:

<ui:UXML xmlns:ui="UnityEngine.UIElements">
    <MyElementWithData some-data="1|2.3" lots-of-data="1|2,3|4,5|6" />

Public Methods

FromString Provides a type converted from a string representation.
ToString Provides a string representation of a type.