Version: 2023.2
  • C#


class in UnityEditor

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Contains all drawable elements of the LightEditor.


areaSizeXExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light.
areaSizeYExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light.
bakedShadowAnglePropExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light.
bakedShadowRadiusPropExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light.
bounceIntensityExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light.
colorExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light.
colorTemperatureExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light.
cookieThe light cookie texture used by the light.
cookiePropExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light.
cookieSizeExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light.
cullingMaskExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light.
flareExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light.
haloExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light.
innerSpotAngleExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light.
intensityExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light.
isAreaLightTypeIs the current light an area light or not. Area lights include Rectangle and Disc lights.
isBakedOrMixedIs the current light baked or mixed.
isCompletelyBakedIs the light completely baked.
isMixedIs the current light mixed.
isRealtimeIs the light real-time?
lightThe light being inspected.
lightmappingExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light.
lightTypeExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light.
rangeExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light.
renderingLayerMaskExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light.
renderModeExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light.
shadowsBiasExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light.
shadowsNearPlaneExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light.
shadowsNormalBiasExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light.
shadowsResolutionExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light.
shadowsStrengthExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light.
shadowsTypeExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light.
spotAngleExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light.
useColorTemperatureExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light.

Public Methods

ApplyModifiedPropertiesSee SerializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties.
DrawAreaDraws the default LightEditor area widget.
DrawBakedShadowAngleDraws the default LightEditor baked shadow angle widget.
DrawBakedShadowRadiusDraws the default LightEditor baked shadow radius widget.
DrawBounceIntensityDraws the default LightEditor bounce intensity widget.
DrawColorDraws the default LightEditor color widget.
DrawCookieDraws the default LightEditor cookie widget.
DrawCookiePropertyDraws a LightEditor cookie widget.
DrawCookieSizeDraws the default LightEditor cookie size widget.
DrawCullingMaskDraws the default LightEditor culling mask widget.
DrawFlareDraws the default LightEditor flare widget.
DrawHaloDraws the default LightEditor halo widget.
DrawInnerAndOuterSpotAngleDraws the default LightEditor inner and outer spot angle widget.
DrawIntensityDraws the default LightEditor intensity widget.
DrawLightmappingDraws the default LightEditor lightmapping widget.
DrawLightTypeDraws the default LightEditor light type widget.
DrawRangeDraws the default LightEditor range widget.
DrawRenderingLayerMaskDraws the default LightEditor rendering LayerMask widget.
DrawRenderModeDraws the default LightEditor render mode widget.
DrawRuntimeShadowDraws the default LightEditor runtime shadows widget.
DrawShadowsTypeDraws the default LightEditor shadows type widget.
DrawSpotAngleDraws the default LightEditor spot angle widget.
OnDestroyCleanup internal settings state.
OnEnablePopulate the settings from the referenced SerializedObject.
UpdateSee SerializedObject.Update.