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class in UnityEditor


Utilities for cameras.

Static Properties

GameViewAspectRatioThe aspect ratio of the game view.
virtualCameraPreviewInstantiatorOverride this function to pass your own Camera provider to generate previews for virtual cameras.

Static Methods

DrawFrustumGizmoDraw the frustrum gizmo of a camera.
GetFrustumAspectRatioCalculate the frustrum aspect ratio of a camera.
GetFrustumPlaneAtCalculate the points of the frustrum plane facing the viewer at a specific distance.The points array will be filled with the calculated points in the following order: left bottom, left top, right top and right bottom.
HandleFrustumDraw the frustrum handles for a camera.
IsViewportRectValidToRenderCheck whether a viewport is valid.
PerspectiveClipToWorldCalculate the world space position of a point in clip space.The z component will be used to get the point at the distance z from the viewer.
TryGetFrustumCalculate the frustrum corners.Corners are calculated in this order: left bottom, left top, right top, right bottom.
TryGetSensorGateFrustumCalculate the frustrum corners from the sensor physical properties, without taking gate fitting into account. To get the actual frustum with gate fit adjustment, use CameraEditorUtils.TryGetFrustum. This method is equivalent to CameraEditorUtils.TryGetFrustum for non-physical cameras.Corners are calculated in this order: left bottom, left top, right top, right bottom.