This version of Unity is unsupported.




Represents options for search filter operators. A colon (:) is the "contains" operator. A "-" is a "not" operator.


Equal Checks if a filter value is equal to the right-hand operand.
Contains Checks if a filter value occurs within the right-hand operand. For instance, with a string value Contains uses string.Contains.
Greater Checks if a numerical filter value is greater than the right-hand operand.
GreaterOrEqual Checks if a numerical filter value is greater than or equal to the right-hand operand.
Lesser Checks if a numerical filter value is less than the right-hand operand.
LesserOrEqual Checks if a numerical filter value is less than or equal to the right-hand operand.
NotEqual Checks if a filter value is different than the right-hand operand.
Not Checks for items that do not match the filter value.