Version: 2023.2
言語: 日本語


class in UnityEngine



Gizmos are used to give visual debugging or setup aids in the Scene view.

All gizmo drawing has to be done in either MonoBehaviour.OnDrawGizmos or MonoBehaviour.OnDrawGizmosSelected functions of the script. MonoBehaviour.OnDrawGizmos is called when the Scene view or Game view is repainted. All gizmos that render in MonoBehaviour.OnDrawGizmos are pickable. MonoBehaviour.OnDrawGizmosSelected is called only if the object the script is attached to is selected.

Static 変数

colorSets the Color of the gizmos that are drawn next.
exposureSet a texture that contains the exposure correction for LightProbe gizmos. The value is sampled from the red channel in the middle of the texture.
matrixSets the Matrix4x4 that the Unity Editor uses to draw Gizmos.
probeSizeSet a scale for Light Probe gizmos. This scale will be used to render the spherical harmonic preview spheres.

Static 関数

CalculateLODDetermines the appropriate level of detail for a gizmo in the Scene view at a specified position with a specified radius.
DrawCubeDraw a solid box at center with size.
DrawFrustumDraw a camera frustum using the currently set Gizmos.matrix for its location and rotation.
DrawGUITextureDraw a texture in the Scene.
DrawIconDraw an icon at a position in the Scene view.
DrawLine from から to に向かってラインを描画します
DrawLineListDraws multiple lines between pairs of points.
DrawLineStripDraws a line between each point in the supplied span.
DrawRay from から from + direction に向けてレイを描画します
DrawSphere center と radius から球体を描画します
DrawWireCube center と size からキューブを描画します
DrawWireSphere center と radius からワイヤーフレームの球体を描画します

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