Version: 2023.2
言語: 日本語


class in UnityEditor





エディタースクリプトからテクスチャインポーターの Texture2D のインポート設定を変更することができます。

Settings of this class cover most of the settings exposed in Texture Import Settings. Some settings require you to use TextureImporterSettings. Refer to TextureImporter.SetTextureSettings).


allowAlphaSplittingAllows alpha splitting on relevant platforms for this texture.
alphaIsTransparencyIf the alpha channel of your texture represents transparency, enable this property to dilate the color channels of visible texels into fully transparent areas. This effectively adds padding around transparent areas that prevents filtering artifacts from forming on their edges. Unity does not support this property for HDR textures.This property makes the color data of invisible texels undefined. Disable this property to preserve invisible texels' original color data.
alphaSourceSelect how the alpha of the imported texture is generated.
alphaTestReferenceValueReturns or assigns the alpha test reference value.
androidETC2FallbackOverrideETC2 texture decompression fallback override on Android devices that don't support ETC2.
borderMipmapKeeps texture borders the same when generating mipmaps.
compressionQualityThe quality of Crunch texture compression. The range is 0 through 100. A higher quality means larger textures and longer compression times.
convertToNormalmapConvert heightmap to normal map
crunchedCompressionUse crunched compression when available.
fadeoutFade out mip levels to gray color.
flipGreenChannelIndicates whether to invert the green channel values of a normal map.
generateCubemapCubemap を生成モード
heightmapScaleハイトマップの bumpyness 量
ignoreMipmapLimitEnable this flag for textures that should ignore mipmap limit settings.
ignorePngGammaIgnore the Gamma attribute in PNG files. This property does not effect other file formats.
isReadableWhether Unity stores an additional copy of the imported texture's pixel data in CPU-addressable memory.
mipmapFadeDistanceEndテクスチャがフェードアウトを終了する Mipmap レベル
mipmapFadeDistanceStartテクスチャがフェードアウトを開始する Mipmap レベル
mipmapFilterMipmap のフィルタリング方法
mipmapLimitGroupNameName of the texture mipmap limit group to which this texture belongs.
mipMapsPreserveCoverageEnables or disables coverage-preserving alpha mipmapping.
npotScale2 のべき乗サイズでないテクスチャのスケーリング方法
qualifiesForSpritePackingもしこの TextureImporter が Sprite Packing のためにセットアップが行われていたら true を返します
secondarySpriteTexturesSecondary textures for the imported Sprites.
spriteImportModeSprite テクスチャのインポートモードを設定します
spritePivotSprite オブジェクトの座標空間の中心点の位置を設定します
spritePixelsPerUnitワールド空間座標の 1 単位分に相当する、スプライトのピクセル数。
sRGBTextureWhether this texture stores data in sRGB (also called gamma) color space.
streamingMipmapsEnable mipmap streaming for this texture.
streamingMipmapsPriorityRelative priority for this texture when reducing memory size in order to hit the memory budget.
swizzleASpecifies the source for the texture's alpha color channel data.
swizzleBSpecifies the source for the texture's blue color channel data.
swizzleGSpecifies the source for the texture's green color channel data.
swizzleRSpecifies the source for the texture's red color channel data.
textureCompressionCompression of imported texture.
textureShapeThe shape of the imported texture.
vtOnlyWhen enabled, this texture can solely be used in combination with a Texture Stack for Virtual Texturing. When enabled the texture is not guaranteed to be available as a Texture2D in the Player (e.g., not accessible from a script). When disabled, the Player includes the texture both as a Texture2D (e.g., accessible from script) and as a streamable texture in a Texture Stack.
wrapModeTexture coordinate wrapping mode.
wrapModeUTexture U coordinate wrapping mode.
wrapModeVTexture V coordinate wrapping mode.
wrapModeWTexture W coordinate wrapping mode for Texture3D.

Public 関数

ClearPlatformTextureSettingsClears specific target platform settings.
DoesSourceTextureHaveAlphaAllows you to check whether the texture source image has an alpha channel.
GetAutomaticFormatReturns the TextureImporterFormat that would be automatically chosen for this platform.
GetDefaultPlatformTextureSettingsGets the default platform specific texture settings.
GetPlatformTextureSettingsGets platform specific texture settings.
GetSourceTextureWidthAndHeightGets the source texture's width and height.
ReadTextureImportInstructionsこの TextureImporter のアクティブなテクスチャの情報を読み込みます
ReadTextureSettings TextureImporterSettings からテクスチャ設定情報を読み込みます
SetPlatformTextureSettingsSets specific target platform settings.
SetTextureSettingsSets texture importers settings from TextureImporterSettings class.

Static 関数

IsDefaultPlatformTextureFormatValidValidates TextureImporterFormat based on the type of the current format (TextureImporterType) and the default platform.
IsPlatformTextureFormatValidValidates TextureImporterFormat based on a specified import type (TextureImporterType) and a specified build target (BuildTarget.).



importSettingsMissingThe value is true when no meta file is provided with the imported asset.
hideFlagsShould the object be hidden, saved with the Scene or modifiable by the user?

Public 関数

AddRemapMap a sub-asset from an imported asset (such as an FBX file) to an external Asset of the same type.
GetExternalObjectMapGets a copy of the external object map used by the AssetImporter.
RemoveRemapRemoves an item from the map of external objects.
SupportsRemappedAssetTypeChecks if the AssetImporter supports remapping the given asset type.
GetInstanceIDGets the instance ID of the object.
ToStringReturns the name of the object.

Static 関数

GetAtPathアセットのパスから AssetImporter を取得します
GetImportLogRetrieves logs generated during the import of the asset at path.
DestroyRemoves a GameObject, component or asset.
DestroyImmediateDestroys the object obj immediately. You are strongly recommended to use Destroy instead.
DontDestroyOnLoadDo not destroy the target Object when loading a new Scene.
FindAnyObjectByTypeRetrieves any active loaded object of Type type.
FindFirstObjectByTypeRetrieves the first active loaded object of Type type.
FindObjectsByTypeRetrieves a list of all loaded objects of Type type.
Instantiateoriginal のオブジェクトをクローンします


operator !=二つのオブジェクトが異なるオブジェクトを参照しているか比較します
operator ==2つのオブジェクト参照が同じオブジェクトを参照しているか比較します。

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