Version: 2023.2
言語: 日本語





Flags that control how a shader property behaves.

When the Unity Editor compiles a ShaderLab script, it assigns shader property flags to its shader properties based on the attributes you assign to those properties. For example, if you add the "[HideInInspector]" attribute to a shader property declaration, Unity sets the HideInInspector flag when it compiles the script. If you add more than one attribute to a property, the Editor combines the flags using a bitwise OR operation.


HideInInspectorSignifies that Unity hides the property in the default Material Inspector.
PerRendererDataIn the Material Inspector, Unity queries the value for this property from the Renderer's MaterialPropertyBlock, instead of from the Material. The value will also appear as read-only.
NoScaleOffsetDo not show UV scale/offset fields next to Textures in the default Material Inspector.
Normalこのプロパティーの値に Normal データ (正規化されたベクトル) が含まれていることを示します。
HDRこのプロパティーの値にハイダイナミックレンジ (HDR) データが含まれていることを示します。
GammaSignifies that values of this property are in gamma space. If the active color space is linear, Unity converts the values to linear space values.
NonModifiableTextureDataYou cannot edit this Texture property in the default Material Inspector.
MainTextureSignifies that value of this property contains the main texture of the Material.
MainColorSignifies that value of this property contains the main color of the Material.