Version: 2023.2
言語: 日本語


class in UnityEngine.Apple.ReplayKit



ReplayKit は iOS 9.0 以降の特定の iPhone、iPad、iPod Touch デバイスで使用可能です。

ReplayKit allows you to record the audio and video of your game, along with user commentary through the microphone and user video through the camera. Start a recording with the StartRecording() function, and stop it with StopRecording(). You can preview the recording with the Preview() function, which launches a separate video viewer. In addition to local recordings, you can broadcast your recordings via StartBroadcasting(). There are also functions to pause, resume, and stop broadcasting.

using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.iOS;
using UnityEngine.Apple.ReplayKit;

public class Replay : MonoBehaviour { public bool enableMicrophone = false; public bool enableCamera = false;

string lastError = ""; void OnGUI() { if (!ReplayKit.APIAvailable) { return; } var recording = ReplayKit.isRecording; string caption = recording ? "Stop Recording" : "Start Recording"; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 10, 500, 200), caption)) { try { recording = !recording; if (recording) { ReplayKit.StartRecording(enableMicrophone, enableCamera); } else { ReplayKit.StopRecording(); } } catch (Exception e) { lastError = e.ToString(); } }

GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 220, 500, 50), "Last error: " + ReplayKit.lastError); GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 280, 500, 50), "Last exception: " + lastError);

if (ReplayKit.recordingAvailable) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 350, 500, 200), "Preview")) { ReplayKit.Preview(); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 560, 500, 200), "Discard")) { ReplayKit.Discard(); } } }

void Update() { // If the camera is enabled, show the recorded video overlaying the game. if (ReplayKit.isRecording && enableCamera) ReplayKit.ShowCameraPreviewAt(10, 350, 200, 200); else ReplayKit.HideCameraPreview(); } } #endif

Static 変数

APIAvailableReplayKit API が可能かどうかを示す boolean (True は可能を意味します)。(読み込みのみ)
broadcastingAPIAvailableReplayKit の配信 API が可能かどうか示す boolean (true は可能) (読み込み専用)。 ReplayKit broadcasting API を呼び出す前にこのプロパティーの値を確認します。iOS 10 より前の iOS では、このプロパティーの値は false です。
broadcastURL配信中、または、配信済の URL にユーザーをリダイレクトする URL を含むストリングプロパティー。
cameraEnabledCamera enabled status. True, if camera enabled; false otherwise.
isBroadcasting現在配信中かを示す boolean プロパティーです (読み込み専用)。
isBroadcastingPausedBoolean property that indicates whether a broadcast is currently paused (Read Only).
isPreviewControllerActiveA boolean that indicates whether ReplayKit is currently displaying a preview controller. (Read Only)
isRecordingReplayKit がレコード中かどうかを示す boolean (True の場合はレコード中をを意味します)。(読み込みのみ)
lastErrorReplayKit によって生じた最新のエラーを含む文字列。'Failed to get Screen Recorder (スクリーンレコーダーの取得に失敗しました)' または 'No recording available (レコードができません)' のいずれか。(読み込み専用)
microphoneEnabledMicrophone enabled status. True, if microphone enabled; false otherwise.
recordingAvailable新しいレコードがプレビュー可能かどうかを示す boolean (True は可能を意味します)。(読み込みのみ)

Static 関数

HideCameraPreviewHide the camera preview view.
PauseBroadcastingPauses current broadcast. Will pause currently on-going broadcast. If no broadcast is in progress, does nothing.
ResumeBroadcastingResumes current broadcast. Will resume currently on-going broadcast. If no broadcast is in progress, does nothing.
ShowCameraPreviewAtShows camera preview at coordinates posX and posY. The preview is width by height in size.
StartBroadcastingInitiates and starts a new broadcast When StartBroadcast is called, user is presented with a broadcast provider selection screen, and then a broadcast setup screen. Once it is finished, a broadcast will be started, and the callback will be invoked. It will also be invoked in case of any error.
StopBroadcastingStops current broadcast. Will terminate currently on-going broadcast. If no broadcast is in progress, does nothing.


BroadcastStatusCallback配信用 API の起動の完了時に呼び出される関数。

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