Version: 2023.2
言語: 日本語


class in UnityEngine.Analytics



Unity Analytics は、ゲームユーザーに対し、例えば、ユニークユーザー数(DAU/MAU)など、分析するための洞察力を提供します。

注: このリファレンスは、Unity 5.1 で Unity Analytics を使う方法について書かれています。Unity の旧バージョンで Unity Analytics を使用するには、 を参照してください。

具体的には、革新的な機能としてメトリックモニターやデータエクスプローラーを介して、ユーザーエンゲージメントと保持データにアクセスする機能が含まれています。さまざまなユーザー属性や特性にわたってプレーヤーのセグメンテーションを、追加の操作なしで 20 以上の利用可能な標準セグメントが自動的に適用されます。

For more detail around features, refer to the Unity Analytics homepage at

Important: Always make calls to the Analytics API inside the scope of an #if ENABLE_CLOUD_SERVICES_ANALYTICS statement to prevent compilation errors on platforms that do not support Analytics:

// Analytics code

Static 変数

configUrlGet the Analytics config endpoint.
dashboardUrlGet the Analytics dashboard endpoint.
deviceStatsEnabledControls whether the sending of device stats at runtime is enabled.
enabledControls whether the Analytics service is enabled at runtime.
eventUrlGet the Analytics event endpoint.
initializeOnStartupReports whether Unity is set to initialize Analytics on startup.
limitUserTrackingControls whether to limit user tracking at runtime.
playerOptedOutReports whether the player has opted out of data collection.

Static 関数

EnableCustomEventUse it to enable or disable a custom event.
EnableEventUse it to enable or disable an event.
FlushEventsAttempts to flush immediately all queued analytics events to the network and filesystem cache if possible (optional).
IsCustomEventEnabledUse it to check to custom event enable status.
IsEventEnabledUse it to check to an event enable status.
RegisterEventThis API is used for registering a Runtime Analytics event. Note: This API is for internal use only and is likely change in the future. Do not use in user code.
ResumeInitializationResume Analytics initialization.
SendEventThis API is used to send a Runtime Analytics event. Note: This API is for internal use only and is likely change in the future. Do not use in user code.
SetEventEndPointUse this API to set the event end point URL. Note: This API is for internal use only and is likely change in the future. Do not use in user code.
SetEventPriorityUse this API to set the event priority. Note: This API is for internal use only and is likely change in the future. Do not use in user code.

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