Version: 2023.2
言語: 日本語


class in UnityEngine.AI



ベイクされた NavMesh にアクセスするシングルトンのクラス

Use the NavMesh class to perform spatial queries such as pathfinding and walkability tests. This class also lets you set the pathfinding cost for specific area types, and tweak the global behavior of pathfinding and avoidance.

Before you can use spatial queries, you must first bake the NavMesh to your scene.

See also:
Building a NavMesh – for more information on how to setup and bake NavMesh
Areas and Costs – to learn how to use different Area types.
NavMeshAgent – to learn how to control and move NavMesh Agents.
NavMeshObstacle – to learn how to control NavMesh Obstacles using scripting.
• OffMeshLink – to learn how to control Off-Mesh Links using scripting.

Static 変数

AllAreasすべての NavMesh エリアを含むエリアマスク定数
onPreUpdateSet a function to be called before the NavMesh is updated during the frame update execution.
pathfindingIterationsPerFrameThe maximum number of nodes processed for each frame during the asynchronous pathfinding process.

Static 関数

AddLinkAdds a link to the NavMesh. The link is described by the NavMeshLinkData struct.
AddNavMeshDataAdds the specified NavMeshData to the game.
CalculatePath2 点間の位置を計算して、ナビメッシュオブジェクト上で移動できる範囲のパスを作成します
CreateSettingsCreates and returns a new entry of NavMesh build settings available for runtime NavMesh building.
GetLinkOwnerGets the object, if any, that is associated with the link instance.
GetSettingsByIDReturns an existing entry of NavMesh build settings.
GetSettingsByIndexReturns an existing entry of NavMesh build settings by its ordered index.
GetSettingsCountReturns the number of registered NavMesh build settings.
GetSettingsNameFromIDReturns the name associated with the NavMesh build settings matching the provided agent type ID.
IsLinkActiveDetermines whether the instance of the link can be used to calculate paths, and if NavMesh agents can move over it.
IsLinkOccupiedDetermines whether or not a NavMesh agent is currently using this link.
IsLinkValidDetermines whether the link instance is part of the current data used for navigation.
RemoveAllNavMeshDataRemoves all NavMesh surfaces and links from the game.
RemoveLinkRemoves a link from the NavMesh.
RemoveNavMeshDataRemoves the specified NavMeshDataInstance from the game, making it unavailable for agents and queries.
RemoveSettingsRemoves the build settings matching the agent type ID.
SamplePositionFinds the nearest point based on the NavMesh within a specified range.
SetLinkActiveActivates or deactivates the link instance. An active link instance can be traversed by agents and used to plan paths, but a deactivated link cannot.
SetLinkOwnerAssociates an object with the instance of a link.


OnNavMeshPreUpdateRegisters callback methods to be invoked before the NavMesh system updates.

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