Namespace Unity.Cinemachine
Attribute used by camera pipeline authoring components to indicate which stage of the pipeline they belong in.
Extension methods for CameraState.
Attribute applied to a CinemachineCameraManagerBase property to produce a child camera selector in the inspector.
Helpers for the 3-Orbit rig for the OrbitalFollow component
Third-person follower, with complex pivoting: horizontal about the origin, vertical about the shoulder.
This behaviour will drive the Camera focusDistance property. It can be used to hold focus onto a specific object, or (in HDRP) to auto-detect what is in front of the camera and focus on that.
Camera.focusDistance is only available in physical mode, and appropriate processing must be installed for it to have any visible effect.
This component's ScreenCenter mode is only available in HDRP projects, and in this mode the component cannot be dynamically added at runtime; it must be added in the editor.
As a part of the Cinemachine Pipeline implementing the Noise stage, this component adds Perlin Noise to the Camera state, in the Correction channel of the CameraState.
The noise is created by using a predefined noise profile asset. This defines the shape of the noise over time. You can scale this in amplitude or in time, to produce a large family of different noises using the same profile.
Describes a blend between 2 CinemachineCameras, and holds the current state of the blend.
Asset that defines the rules for blending between Virtual Cameras.
CinemachineBrain is the link between the Unity Camera and the CinemachineCameras in the Scene. It monitors the priority stack to choose the current Cinemachine Camera, and blend with another if necessary. Finally and most importantly, it applies the CinemachineCamera state to the attached Unity Camera.
The CinemachineBrain is also the place where rules for blending between Cinemachine Cameras are defined. Camera blending is an interpolation over time of one Cinemachine Camera position and state to another. If you think of CinemachineCameras as cameramen, then blending is a little like one cameraman smoothly passing the camera to another cameraman. You can specify the time over which to blend, as well as the blend curve shape. Note that a camera cut is just a zero-time blend.
This component will generate CinemachineBrain-specific events.
This behaviour is intended to be attached to an empty GameObject, and it represents a Cinemachine Camera within the Unity scene.
The CinemachineCamera will animate its Transform according to the rules contained in its CinemachineComponent pipeline (Aim, Body, and Noise). When the CM camera is Live, the Unity camera will assume the position and orientation of the CinemachineCamera.
A CinemachineCamera is not a camera. Instead, it can be thought of as a camera controller, not unlike a cameraman. It can drive the Unity Camera and control its position, rotation, lens settings, and PostProcessing effects. Each CM Camera owns its own Cinemachine Component Pipeline, through which you can provide the instructions for procedurally tracking specific game objects. An empty procedural pipeline will result in a passive CinemachineCamera, which can be controlled in the same way as an ordinary GameObject.
A CinemachineCamera is very lightweight, and does no rendering of its own. It merely tracks interesting GameObjects, and positions itself accordingly. A typical game can have dozens of CinemachineCameras, each set up to follow a particular character or capture a particular event.
A CinemachineCamera can be in any of three states:
- Live: The CinemachineCamera is actively controlling the Unity Camera. The CinemachineCamera is tracking its targets and being updated every frame.
- Standby: The CinemachineCamera is tracking its targets and being updated every frame, but no Unity Camera is actively being controlled by it. This is the state of a CinemachineCamera that is enabled in the scene but perhaps at a lower priority than the Live CinemachineCamera.
- Disabled: The CinemachineCamera is present but disabled in the scene. It is not actively tracking its targets and so consumes no processing power. However, the CinemachineCamera can be made live from the Timeline.
The Unity Camera can be driven by any CinemachineCamera in the scene. The game logic can choose the CinemachineCamera to make live by manipulating the CM camerass enabled flags and/or its priority, based on game logic.
In order to be driven by a CinemachineCamera, the Unity Camera must have a CinemachineBrain behaviour, which will select the most eligible CinemachineCamera based on its priority or on other criteria, and will manage blending.
This component will generate camera-specific activation and deactivation events. Add it to a Cinemachine Camera.
This is a virtual camera "manager" that owns and manages a collection of child Cm Cameras.
This component will generate mixer-specific events.
An add-on module for Cm Camera that adds a final offset to the camera
Cinemachine ClearShot is a "manager camera" that owns and manages a set of Virtual Camera gameObject children. When Live, the ClearShot will check the children, and choose the one with the best quality shot and make it Live.
This can be a very powerful tool. If the child cameras have shot evaluator extensions, they will analyze the scene for target obstructions, optimal target distance, and other items, and report their assessment of shot quality back to the ClearShot parent, who will then choose the best one. You can use this to set up complex multi-camera coverage of a scene, and be assured that a clear shot of the target will always be available.
If multiple child cameras have the same shot quality, the one with the highest priority will be chosen.
You can also define custom blends between the ClearShot children.
This is a deprecated component. Use CinemachineDeoccluder instead.
Generate an Impulse Event when this object's Collider collides with something or its trigger zone is entered.
This component should be attached to a GameObject with a Collider or a Collider2D. Objects colliding with this (or entering its trigger zone if it's a trigger) will be filtered according to the layer and tag settings defined here, and if they pass the filter, they will cause an impulse event to be generated.
Use CinemachineImpulseSource.ImpulseDefinition to define the characteristics of the impulse.
An abstract representation of a mutator acting on a CinemachineCamera
This is a deprecated component. Use CinemachineRotationComposer instead.
This is a deprecated component. Use CinemachineConfiner2D or CinemachineConfiner3D instead.
An add-on module for Cinemachine Camera that post-processes the final position of the virtual camera. It will confine the camera's position such that the screen edges stay within a shape defined by a 2D polygon. This will work for orthographic or perspective cameras, provided that the camera's forward vector remains parallel to the bounding shape's normal, i.e. that the camera is looking straight at the polygon, and not obliquely at it.
When confining the camera, the camera's view size at the polygon plane is considered, and also its aspect ratio. Based on this information and the input polygon, a second (smaller) polygon is computed to which the camera's transform is constrained. Computation of this secondary polygon is nontrivial and expensive, so it should be done only when absolutely necessary.
When the Orthographic Size or Field of View of the Cinemachine Camera's lens changes, Cinemachine will not automatically adjust the Confiner for efficiency reasons. To adjust the Confiner, call InvalidateLensCache().
Confiner2D pre-calculates a cache to speed up subsequent calculation. The cache needs to be recomputed in the following circumstances:
- when the input polygon's points change
- when the input polygon is non-uniformly scaled
- when the input polygon is rotated
For efficiency reasons, Cinemachine will not automatically regenerate the cache. It is the responsibility of the client to call the InvalidateBoundingShapeCache() method to trigger a recalculation. An inspector button is also provided for this purpose.
If the input polygon scales uniformly or translates, the cache remains valid. If the polygon rotates, then the cache degrades in quality (more or less depending on the aspect ratio - it's better if the ratio is close to 1:1) but can still be used. Regenerating it will eliminate the imperfections.
When the Oversize Window is enabled an additional pre-calculation step is added to the caching process. This cache is not a single polygon, but rather a family of polygons. The number of polygons in this family will depend on the complexity of the input polygon, and the maximum expected camera view size. The MaxWindowSize property is provided to give a hint to the algorithm to stop generating polygons for camera view sizes larger than the one specified. This can represent a substantial cost saving when regenerating the cache, so it is a good idea to set it carefully. Leaving it at 0 will cause the maximum number of polygons to be generated.
An add-on module for CinemachineCamera that post-processes the final position of the camera. It will confine the camera's position to the volume specified in the Bounding Volume field.
A singleton that manages complete lists of CinemachineBrain and, CinemachineCamera, and the priority queue. Provides services to keeping track of whether CinemachineCameras have been updated each frame.
An Event with BlendEventParams as parameter.
An Event with CinemachineBrain as parameter.
An event with ICinemachineMixer and ICinemachineCamera parameters.
An add-on module for CinemachineCamera that post-processes the final position of the camera. Based on the supplied settings, the Decollider will pull the camera out of any objects it is intersecting.
An add-on module for CinemachineCamera that post-processes the final position of the camera. Based on the supplied settings, the Deoccluder will attempt to preserve the line of sight with the LookAt target of the camera by moving away from objects that will obstruct the view.
Additionally, the Deoccluder can be used to assess the shot quality and report this as a field in the camera State.
Empty tag for the CM3 project upgrader. Object with this behaviour will not be upgraded.
This is a deprecated component. Use CinemachineSplineCart instead.
Used for custom drawing in the inspector. Inspector will show a foldout with the asset contents
Base class for a CinemachineCamera extension module. Hooks into the Cinemachine Pipeline. Use this to add extra processing to the vcam, modifying its generated state
Extensions that need to save per-vcam state should inherit from this class and add appropriate member variables. Use GetExtraState() to access.
This component will expose a non-cinemachine camera to the cinemachine system, allowing it to participate in blends. Just add it as a component alongside an existing Unity Camera component.
This behaviour can be attached to any object to make it shake in response to Impulses.
This behaviour can be attached to the main Camera with the CinemachineBrain, to allow the main camera to shake without putting Listeners on the virtual cameras. In this case, camera shake is not dependent on the active virtual camera.
It is also possible to put this behaviour on other scene objects to shake them in response to impulses.
A definition of an impulse signal that gets propagated to listeners
This is a CinemachineComponent in the Body section of the component pipeline. Its job is to position the camera in a fixed relationship to the vcam's Tracking Target object, with offsets and damping.
This component will only change the camera's position in space. It will not re-orient or otherwise aim the camera. To to that, you need to instruct the camera in the Aim section of its pipeline.
An add-on module for Cm Camera that adjusts the FOV of the lens to keep the target object at a constant size on the screen, regardless of camera and target position.
This is a deprecated component. Use CinemachinePositionComposer instead.
This is a deprecated component. Use CinemachineCamera instead.
This is an add-on for CinemachineCameras containing the OrbitalFollow component. It modifies the camera distance as a function of vertical angle.
Modifier for things inside a single CinemachineComponentBase.
Builtin Freelook modifier for screen composition. Modifies composition at the start of the camera pipeline.
Builtin FreeLook modifier for camera distance. Applies distance to the camera at the start of the camera pipeline.
Builtin modifier for camera lens. Applies the lens at the start of the camera pipeline.
Interface for an object that will modify some aspect of a FreeLook camera based on the vertical axis value.
Builtin modifier for noise components such as Cinemachine
Applies scaling to amplitude and frequency.
Builtin FreeLook modifier for positional damping. Modifies positional damping at the start of the camera pipeline.
Builtin FreeLook modifier for camera tilt. Applies a vertical rotation to the camera at the end of the camera pipeline.
This is a deprecated component. Use CinemachineRotationComposer and CinemachineGroupFraming instead.
An add-on module for Cinemachine Camera that adjusts the framing if the tracking target implements ICinemachineTargetGroup.
An attempt will be made to fit the entire target group within the specified framing. Camera position and/or rotation may be adjusted, depending on the settings.
This is a CinemachineComponent in the Aim section of the component pipeline. Its job is to place the camera on the Follow Target.
This is a CinemachineComponent in the Aim section of the component pipeline. Its job is to aim the camera hard at the LookAt target.
Property applied to CinemachineImpulseManager Channels. Used for custom drawing in the inspector.
Definition of an impulse signal that gets propagated to listeners.
Here you provide a Raw Signal source, and define an envelope for time-scaling it to craft the complete Impulse signal shape. Also, you provide here parameters that define how the signal dissipates with spatial distance from the source location. Finally, you specify the Impulse Channel on which the signal will be sent.
An API method is provided here to take these parameters, create an Impulse Event, and broadcast it on the channel.
When creating a custom Impulse Source class, you will have an instance of this class as a field in your custom class. Be sure also to include the [CinemachineImpulseDefinition] attribute on the field, to get the right property drawer for it.
An extension for CinemachineCamera which post-processes the final position of the camera. It listens for CinemachineImpulse signals on the specified channels, and moves the camera in response to them.
This is a singleton object that manages all Impulse Events generated by the Cinemachine Impulse module. This singleton owns and manages all ImpulseEvent objects.
Describes an event that generates an impulse signal on one or more channels. The event has a location in space, a start time, a duration, and a signal. The signal will dissipate as the distance from the event location increases.
An event-driven class that broadcasts an impulse signal to listeners.
This is the base class for custom impulse sources. It contains an impulse definition, where the characteristics of the impulse signal are defined.
API methods are provided for actually broadcasting the impulse. Call these methods from your custom code, or hook them up to game events in the Editor.
This is a behaviour that is used to drive other behaviours that implement IInputAxisOwner, which it discovers dynamically. It is the bridge between the input system and Cinemachine cameras that require user input. Add it to a Cinemachine camera that needs it.
This implementation can read input from the Input package, or from the legacy input system, or both, depending on what is installed in the project.
Read an input value from legacy input or from and Input Action
This is an add-on to override the legacy input system and read input using the UnityEngine.Input package API. Add this behaviour to any CinemachineVirtualCamera or FreeLook that requires user input, and drag in the the desired actions. If the Input System Package is not installed, then this behaviour does nothing.
IInputAxisProvider is deprecated. Use InputAxis and InputAxisController instead.
This is a deprecated component. Use CinemachineCameraEvents instead.
This event is fired when a virtual camera is activated. If a blend is involved, it will be fired at the start of the blend.
Parameter ordering is: incomingCam, outgoingCam.
This is a base class for components that will generate mixer-specific events.
CinemachineMixingCamera is a "manager camera" that takes on the state of the weighted average of the states of its child virtual cameras.
A fixed number of slots are made available for cameras, rather than a dynamic array. We do it this way in order to support weight animation from the Timeline. Timeline cannot animate array elements.
This is a CinemachineComponent in the the Body section of the component pipeline. Its job is to position the camera somewhere on a spheroid centered at the Follow target.
The position on the sphere and the radius of the sphere can be controlled by user input.
This is a deprecated component. Use CinemachineOrbitalFollow instead.
This is a deprecated component. Use CinemachinePanTilt instead.
This is a CinemachineComponent in the Aim section of the component pipeline. Its job is to aim the camera in response to the user's mouse or joystick input.
This component does not change the camera's position.
This is a deprecated component. Use SplineContainer instead.
This is a deprecated component. Use SplineContainer instead.
This class holds the settings that control how the path will appear in the editor scene view. The path is not visible in the game view
This is a deprecated component.
An add-on module for CinemachineCamera Camera that tweaks the orthographic size of the camera. It detects the presence of the Pixel Perfect Camera component and use the settings from that Pixel Perfect Camera to correct the orthographic size so that pixel art sprites would appear pixel perfect when the camera becomes live.
This is a Cinemachine Component in the Body section of the component pipeline. Its job is to position the camera in a fixed screen-space relationship to the camera's Tracking target object, with offsets and damping.
The camera will be first moved along the camera Z axis until the target is at the desired distance from the camera's X-Y plane. The camera will then be moved in its XY plane until the target is at the desired point on the camera's screen.
The Position Composer will only change the camera's position in space. It will not re-orient or otherwise aim the camera.
For this component to work properly, the camera's tracking target must not be null. The tracking target will define what the camera is looking at.
An add-on module for Cm Camera that adds a final tweak to the camera composition. It is intended for use in a Timeline context, where you want to hand-adjust the output of procedural or recorded camera aiming.
This is a CinemachineComponent in the Aim section of the component pipeline. Its job is to match the orientation of the Follow target.
This is a CinemachineComponent in the Aim section of the component pipeline. Its job is to aim the camera at the vcam's LookAt target object, with configurable offsets, damping, and composition rules.
The composer does not change the camera's position. It will only pan and tilt the camera where it is, in order to get the desired framing. To move the camera, you have to use the virtual camera's Body section.
CinemachineSameAsFollowTarget has been deprecated. Use CinemachineRotateWithFollowTarget instead.
This is a virtual camera "manager" that owns and manages a collection of child Virtual Cameras. When the camera goes live, these child vcams are enabled, one after another, holding each camera for a designated time. Blends between cameras are specified. The last camera is held indefinitely, unless the Loop flag is enabled.
Internal use only. Not part of the public API.
Evaluates shot quality in the Finalize stage based on LookAt target occlusion and distance.
This is a deprecated component. Use SplineContainer instead.
This is a very simple behaviour that constrains its transform to a Spline.
It can be used to animate any objects along a path, or as a tracking target for
Cinemachine Cameras.
A Cinemachine Camera Body component that constrains camera motion to a Spline. The camera can move along the spline.
This behaviour can operate in two modes: manual positioning, and Auto-Dolly positioning. In Manual mode, the camera's position is specified by animating the Spline Position field. In Auto-Dolly mode, the Spline Position field is animated automatically every frame by finding the position on the spline that's closest to the camera's tracking target.
CinemachineSplineDollyLookAtTargets is a component that allows the camera to look at specific points in the world as it moves along a spline.
Extension that can be added to a SplineContainer or a CinemachineCamera that uses a SplineContainer, for example a CinemachineCamera that has SplineDolly as Body component.
- When CinemachineSplineRoll is added to a gameObject that has SplineContainer, then the roll affects any CinemachineCamera that reads that SplineContainer globally.
- When CinemachineSplineRoll is added to a CinemachineCamera, then roll only affects that CinemachineCamera locally.
This behaviour can be attached to a GameObject with a SplineContainer.
It proivdes a function to apply smoothing to the spline.
Smoothing auto-adjusts the knot tangents to maintain second-order smoothness of the spline, making it suitable
for camera paths.
Smoothing is costly, because the entire path has to be considered when adjusting each knot.
In Editor mode, an option is provided to automatically smooth the spline whenever it is modified.
In runtime mode, smoothing must be invoked manually by calling SmoothSplineNow().
This is a virtual camera "manager" that owns and manages a collection of child Virtual Cameras. These child vcams are mapped to individual states in an animation state machine, allowing you to associate specific vcams to specific animation states. When that state is active in the state machine, then the associated camera will be activated.
You can define custom blends and transitions between child cameras.
In order to use this behaviour, you must have an animated target (i.e. an object animated with a state machine) to drive the behaviour.
An add-on module for CinemachineCamera that places an image in screen space over the camera's output.
Defines a group of target objects, each with a radius and a weight. The weight is used when calculating the average position of the target group. Higher-weighted members of the group will count more. The bounding box is calculated by taking the member positions, weight, and radii into account.
Holds the information that represents a member of the group
An add-on module for CinemachineCamera that forces the LookAt point to the center of the screen, based on the Follow target's orientation, cancelling noise and other corrections. This is useful for third-person style aim cameras that want a dead-accurate aim at all times, even in the presence of positional or rotational noise.
Third-person follower, with complex pivoting: horizontal about the origin, vertical about the shoulder.
This is an add-on behaviour that globally maps the touch control to standard input channels, such as mouse X and mouse Y. Drop it on any game object in your scene.
Timeline track for CinemachineCamera activation
This is a deprecated component. Use CinemachineSplineDolly instead.
This is a deprecated component. Use CinemachineOrbitalFollow instead.
A multi-purpose script which causes an action to occur when a trigger collider is entered and exited.
Serializable parameterless game event
This is a deprecated component. Use CinemachineCamera instead.
Base class for a Monobehaviour that represents a Virtual Camera within the Unity scene.
This is intended to be attached to an empty Transform GameObject. Inherited classes can be either standalone virtual cameras such as CinemachineCamera, or meta-cameras such as CinemachineClearShot or CinemachineBlendListCamera.
A CinemachineVirtualCameraBase exposes an OutputChannel property. When the behaviour is enabled in the game, the Virtual Camera is automatically placed in a queue maintained by the static CinemachineCore singleton. The queue is sorted by priority. When a Unity camera is equipped with a CinemachineBrain behaviour, the brain will choose the camera at the head of the queue. If you have multiple Unity cameras with CinemachineBrain behaviours (say in a split-screen context), then you can filter the queue by setting the culling flags on the virtual cameras. The culling mask of the Unity Camera will then act as a filter for the brain. Apart from this, there is nothing that prevents a virtual camera from controlling multiple Unity cameras simultaneously.
Utility to perform realistic damping of float or Vector3 values. The algorithm is based on exponentially decaying the delta until only a negligible amount remains.
Sets isDelayed to true for each float field of the vector.
Draws BlenderSettings asset embedded within the inspector.
Draw a FoldoutWithEnabledButtonAttribute on a single line
Draw a foldout with an Enabled toggle that shadows a field inside the foldout
A class to get around the limitation in timeline that array members can't be animated.
A fixed number of slots are made available, rather than a dynamic array.
If you want to add more slots, just modify this code.
Tracks an object's velocity with a filter to determine a reasonably steady direction for the object's current trajectory.
Suppresses the top-level foldout on a complex property
Hide this property if a component of a given type is not present
Event that is fired when a Cinemachine camera is activated.
This is a base class for a behaviour that is used to drive IInputAxisOwner behaviours, which it discovers dynamically. It is the bridge between the input system and Cinemachine cameras that require user input. Add it to a Cinemachine camera that needs it. If you want to read inputs from a third-party source, then you must specialize this class with an appropriate implementation of IInputAxisReader.
Each discovered axis will get a Controller to drive it in Update().
Property applied to legacy input axis name specification. Used for custom drawing in the inspector.
Property applied to LensSetting properties.
Will cause the property drawer to hide the ModeOverride setting.
Property applied to int or float fields to generate a minmax range slider in the inspector.
Blend result source for blending. This exposes a CinemachineBlend object as an ersatz virtual camera for the purposes of blending. This achieves the purpose of blending the result oif a blend.
Suppresses play-mode-save for a field. Use it if the calsee has [SaveDuringPlay] attribute but there are fields in the class that shouldn't be saved.
This is an asset that defines a noise profile. A noise profile is the shape of the noise signal as a function of time. You can build arbitrarily complex shapes by combining different base perlin noise frequencies at different amplitudes.
The frequencies and amplitudes should be chosen with care, to ensure an interesting noise quality that is not obviously repetitive.
As a mathematical side-note, any arbitrary periodic curve can be broken down into a series of fixed-amplitude sine-waves added together. This is called fourier decomposition, and is the basis of much signal processing. It doesn't really have much to do with this asset, but it's super interesting!
Property applied to int or float fields to generate a slider in the inspector.
Attribute used by inspector to display warnings about missing targets. This can be used on CinemachineComponents and CinemachineExtensions.
An ad-hoc collection of helpers, used by Cinemachine or its editor tools in various places
Invoke play-mode-save for a class. This class's fields will be scanned upon exiting play mode, and its property values will be applied to the scene object. This is a stopgap measure that will become obsolete once Unity implements play-mode-save in a more general way.
Property to display a SensorSize field
This is an asset that defines a 6D signal that can be retrieved in a random-access fashion. This is used by the Cinemachine Impulse module.
ISplineAutoDolly implementation that moves the object at a constant speed align the spline.
ISplineAutoDolly implementation that finds the point on th spline closest to the target. Note that this is a simple stateless algorithm, and is not appropriate for all spline shapes. For example, if the spline is forming an arc and the target is inside the arc, then the closest point can be noisy or undefined. Consider for example a spline that is perfectly circular with the target at the center. Where is the closest point?
Property field is a Tag.
Use this class to support caching of Cinemachine target positions and rotations for the purposes of timeline scrubbing in the Editor. At runtime, the public methods in this class simply return the uncached values from the target's transform.
Cinemachine behaviours and extensions that support timeline scrubbing should use the GetTargetPosition and GetTargetRotation static methods when accessing the target's position or rotation.
Extensions to the Quaternion class, used in various places by Cinemachine
Ad-hoc extensions to the Rect structure, used by Cinemachine
Extensions to the Vector3 class, used by Cinemachine
Property applied to Vcam Target fields. Used for custom drawing in the inspector.
Property applied to Vector2 to treat (x, y) as (min, max). Used for custom drawing in the inspector.
This is a deprecated component. Use InputAxis instead.
AxisState is deprecated. Use InputAxis instead.
Helper for automatic axis recentering
The output of the Cinemachine engine for a specific virtual camera. The information in this struct can be blended, and provides what is needed to calculate an appropriate camera position, orientation, and lens setting.
Raw values are what the Cinemachine behaviours generate. The correction channel holds perturbations to the raw values - e.g. noise or smoothing, or obstacle avoidance corrections. Corrections are not considered when making time-based calculations such as damping.
The Final position and orientation is the combination of the raw values and their corrections.
Custom Blendables are a way to attach opaque custom data to a CameraState and have their weights blend along with the camera weights. For efficiency, a fixed number of slots are provided, plus a (more expensive) overflow list. The base system manages but otherwise ignores this data - it is intended for extension modules.
Opaque structure represent extra blendable stuff and its weight. The base system ignores this data - it is intended for extension modules
Structure for holding the procedural motion targets for a CinemachineCamera. The main TrackingTarget is used by default for all object tracking. Optionally, a second LookAt target can be provided to make the camera follow one object while pointing at another.
Defines the height and radius for an orbit
Settings to define the 3-orbit FreeLook rig using OrbitalFollow.
Definition of a Camera blend. This struct holds the information necessary to generate a suitable AnimationCurve for a Cinemachine Blend.
Container specifying how two specific CinemachineCameras blend together.
Defines the settings for Lens Mode overriding.
If enabled, a default target will be available. It will be used if a child rig needs a target and doesn't specify one itself.
Settings to optimize computation and memory costs in the event that the window size is expected to be larger than will fit inside the confining shape.
This is sent with BlendEvent
Settings for pushing the camera out of intersecting objects
Settings for resolving towards Follow target instead of LookAt.
Settings for putting the camera on top of the terrain
Settings for deoccluding the camera when obstacles are present
Settings for resolving towards Follow target instead of LookAt.
Settings for shot quality evaluation
Defines the height and radius of the Rig orbit
Settings to apply to the IModifiableNoise component
Helper struct to hold settings for Top, Middle, and Bottom orbits.
This controls the secondary reaction of the listener to the incoming impulse.
The impulse might be for example a sharp shock, and the secondary reaction could
be a vibration whose amplitude and duration is controlled by the size of the
original impulse. This allows different listeners to respond in different ways
to the same impulse signal.
This defines the time-envelope of the signal. The raw signal will be scaled to fit inside the envelope.
This is a deprecated component. Use DefaultInputAxisDriver instead.
How the "forward" direction is defined. Orbital offset is in relation to the forward direction.
A waypoint along the path
This represents a single entry in the instruction list of the BlendListCamera.
Settings for shot quality evaluation
A waypoint along the path
Settings for controlling damping
LookAt targets for the camera at specific positions on the Spline
Interpolator for the RollData, with no easing between data points.
Interpolator for the RollData, with easing between data points
Structure to hold roll value for a specific location on the track.
This represents a single instruction to the StateDrivenCamera. It associates an state from the state machine with a child Virtual Camera, and also holds activation tuning parameters.
Holds settings for collision resolution.
Controls how automatic dollying occurs
Defines what action to take on trigger enter/exit
This object drives an input axis.
It reads raw input, applies it to the axis value, with acceleration and deceleration.
This is sent with ActivationEvent
Describes an axis for an axis driver
Defines an input axis. This is a field that can take on any value in a range, with optional wrapping to form a loop.
Defines the settings for automatic re-centering
Used to read in CM2 LensSettings
Describes the FOV and clip planes for a camera. This generally mirrors the Unity Camera's lens settings, and will be used to drive the Unity camera when the vcam is active.
These are settings that are used only if IsPhysicalCamera is true.
This structure holds settings for procedural lookahead.
Describes the behaviour for a channel of noise
Contains the behaviour of noise for the noise module for all 3 cardinal axes of the camera
This is a utility to implement position predicting.
Structure for holding the priority of a camera.
This structure holds settings for screen-space composition.
Settings for DeadZone, which is an area within which the camera will not adjust itself.
The target will not be allowed to be outside this region. When the target is within this region, the camera will gradually adjust to re-align towards the desired position, depending on the damping speed
This structure holds the object that implements AutoDolly on a spline.
This structure holds the spline reference and the position and position units.
This is an interface to override default querying of Unity's legacy Input system. If a befaviour implementing this interface is attached to a CinemachineCamera that requires input, that interface will be polled for input instead of the standard Input system.
IRequiresInput is deprecated. Use InputAxis and InputAxisController instead.
Interface for implementing custom CameraState blending algorithm
Interface for CinemachineComponentBase-derived to allow its screen composition to be driven
Interface for CinemachineComponentBase-derived to allow the camera distance to be modified
Interface for CinemachineComponentBase-derived to allow the noise amplitude and frequency to be modified
Interface for CinemachineComponentBase-derived to allow its position damping to be driven.
Interface for CinemachineComponentBase-derived to expose a normalized value that can be consumed by CinemachineFreeLookModifier to drive the rig selection.
This interface provides a way to override camera selection logic. The cinemachine timeline track drives its target via this interface.
An abstract representation of a virtual camera which lives within the Unity scene
This is a ICinemachineCamera that can own child ICinemachineCameras. ICinemachineCamera nesting is defined using this interface.
Interface representing something that can be used as a vcam target.
It has a transform, a bounding box, and a bounding sphere.
This interface identifies a behaviour that can drive IInputAxisOwners.
Components that hold InputAxisValue structs must implement this interface to be discoverable.
Abstraction for reading the value of an input axis
Components that can generate an input axis reset must implement this interface.
An abstract representation of a component that evaluates shot quality. Component (usually a CinemachineExtension) is expected to set state.ShotQuality late in the camera pipeline (after Aim).
Interface for raw signal provider
Interface for behaviours that reference a Spline
Interface for procedural spline dolly. Implement this to provide a custom algorithm for choosing a point on the path.
How to interpret the Max Speed setting.
Combine these hints to influence how blending is done, and how state is applied to the camera.
The reference object for focus tracking
Supported predefined shapes for the blend curve.
The options available for the update method.
The options available for the update method.
The way in which the Collider will attempt to preserve sight of the target.
The confiner can operate using a 2D bounding shape or a 3D bounding volume
Hint for transitioning to and from CinemachineCameras. Hints can be combined, although not all combinations make sense. In the case of conflicting hints, Cinemachine will make an arbitrary choice.
Stages in the Cinemachine Component pipeline. This enum defines the pipeline order.
The way in which the Deoccluder will attempt to preserve sight of the target.
This enum defines the options available for the update method.
How to adjust the camera to get the desired framing
What screen dimensions to consider when framing
How to adjust the camera to get the desired framing
What screen dimensions to consider when framing
What screen dimensions to consider when framing
How to adjust the camera to get the desired horizontal and vertical framing
How to adjust the camera to get the desired framing size
Supported predefined shapes for the impulses.
This enum represents the various ways an impulse can travel through space
Legacy mode only: How to fit the signal into the envelope time
How the signal behaves as the listener moves away from the origin.
How the signal dissipates with distance.
How to construct the surface on which the camera will travel
Defines the reference frame in which horizontal recentering is done.
Sets the algorithm for determining the target's heading for purposes of re-centering the camera
Defines the recentering target: Recentering goes here
Defines the recentering target: Recentering goes here
Defines the reference frame against which pan and tilt rotations are made.
How to interpret the Path Position
This enum defines the options available for the update method.
Different ways to set the camera's up vector
How to fit the image in the frame, in the event that the aspect ratios don't match
Camera render modes supported by CinemachineStoryboard.
How the group's position is calculated
How the group's orientation is calculated
This enum defines the options available for the update method.
Different ways to set the camera's up vector
What action to take
How to interpret the start time
How often to update a virtual camera when it is in Standby mode
This provides a hint about the intended usage of the axis.
Some usages require restricted functionality.
The possible restrictions are defined here.
This enum controls how the Camera settings are driven. Some settings can be pulled from the main camera, or pushed to it, depending on these values.
The CinemachineCamera will drive all CinemachineBrains that include one or more of its channels within its channel mask.
Choices for which targets are required
Delegate for finding a blend definition to use when blending between 2 cameras.
Delegate for overriding Unity's default input system. Returns the value of the named axis.
Delegate for overriding a blend that is about to be applied to a transition. A handler can either return the default blend, or a new blend definition specific to current conditions.
Delegate for replacing a standard CinemachineBlend with a custom blender class. Return a new instance of a custom blender, or null to use the default blender.
Override component pipeline creation. This needs to be done by the editor to support Undo. The override must do exactly the same thing as the CreatePipeline method in this class.
Override component pipeline destruction. This needs to be done by the editor to support Undo.
Override component pipeline creation. This needs to be done by the editor to support Undo. The override must do exactly the same thing as the CreatePipeline method in the CinemachineVirtualCamera class.
Override component pipeline destruction. This needs to be done by the editor to support Undo.
Delegate to get a reference to the axis being driven