Struct CinemachineDeoccluder.ObstacleAvoidance
Settings for deoccluding the camera when obstacles are present
Inherited Members
Namespace: Unity.Cinemachine
Assembly: Unity.Cinemachine.dll
public struct CinemachineDeoccluder.ObstacleAvoidance
Camera will try to maintain this distance from any obstacle. Increase this value if you are seeing inside obstacles due to a large FOV on the camera.
[Tooltip("Camera will try to maintain this distance from any obstacle. Try to keep this value small. Increase it if you are seeing inside obstacles due to a large FOV on the camera.")]
public float CameraRadius
Field Value
Type | Description |
float |
How gradually the camera returns to its normal position after having been corrected. Higher numbers will move the camera more gradually back to normal.
[Range(0, 10)]
[Tooltip("How gradually the camera returns to its normal position after having been corrected. Higher numbers will move the camera more gradually back to normal.")]
public float Damping
Field Value
Type | Description |
float |
How gradually the camera moves to resolve an occlusion. Higher numbers will move the camera more gradually.
[Range(0, 10)]
[Tooltip("How gradually the camera moves to resolve an occlusion. Higher numbers will move the camera more gradually.")]
public float DampingWhenOccluded
Field Value
Type | Description |
float |
The raycast distance to test for when checking if the line of sight to this camera's target is clear.
[Tooltip("The maximum raycast distance when checking if the line of sight to this camera's target is clear. If the setting is 0 or less, the current actual distance to target will be used.")]
public float DistanceLimit
Field Value
Type | Description |
float |
When enabled, will attempt to resolve situations where the line of sight to the target is blocked by an obstacle
[Tooltip("When enabled, will attempt to resolve situations where the line of sight to the target is blocked by an obstacle")]
public bool Enabled
Field Value
Type | Description |
bool |
Upper limit on how many obstacle hits to process. Higher numbers may impact performance. In most environments, 4 is enough.
[Range(1, 10)]
[Tooltip("Upper limit on how many obstacle hits to process. Higher numbers may impact performance. In most environments, 4 is enough.")]
public int MaximumEffort
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Don't take action unless occlusion has lasted at least this long.
[Tooltip("Don't take action unless occlusion has lasted at least this long.")]
public float MinimumOcclusionTime
Field Value
Type | Description |
float |
Smoothing to apply to obstruction resolution. Nearest camera point is held for at least this long.
[Range(0, 2)]
[Tooltip("Smoothing to apply to obstruction resolution. Nearest camera point is held for at least this long")]
public float SmoothingTime
Field Value
Type | Description |
float |
The way in which the Deoccluder will attempt to preserve sight of the target.
[Tooltip("The way in which the Deoccluder will attempt to preserve sight of the target.")]
public CinemachineDeoccluder.ObstacleAvoidance.ResolutionStrategy Strategy
Field Value
Type | Description |
Cinemachine |
Use the Follow target when resolving occlusions, instead of the LookAt target.
[EnabledProperty("Enabled", "")]
public CinemachineDeoccluder.ObstacleAvoidance.FollowTargetSettings UseFollowTarget
Field Value
Type | Description |
Cinemachine |