Class CinemachineBrain
CinemachineBrain is the link between the Unity Camera and the CinemachineCameras in the Scene. It monitors the priority stack to choose the current Cinemachine Camera, and blend with another if necessary. Finally and most importantly, it applies the CinemachineCamera state to the attached Unity Camera.
The CinemachineBrain is also the place where rules for blending between Cinemachine Cameras are defined. Camera blending is an interpolation over time of one Cinemachine Camera position and state to another. If you think of CinemachineCameras as cameramen, then blending is a little like one cameraman smoothly passing the camera to another cameraman. You can specify the time over which to blend, as well as the blend curve shape. Note that a camera cut is just a zero-time blend.
Inherited Members
Namespace: Unity.Cinemachine
Assembly: Unity.Cinemachine.dll
[AddComponentMenu("Cinemachine/Cinemachine Brain")]
public class CinemachineBrain : MonoBehaviour, ICameraOverrideStack, ICinemachineMixer, ICinemachineCamera
The update time for the Brain, i.e. when the blends are evaluated and the brain's transform is updated.
[Tooltip("The update time for the Brain, i.e. when the blends are evaluated and the brain's transform is updated")]
public CinemachineBrain.BrainUpdateMethods BlendUpdateMethod
Field Value
Type | Description |
Cinemachine |
The CinemachineBrain finds the highest-priority CinemachineCamera that outputs to any of the channels selected. CinemachineCameras that do not output to one of these channels are ignored. Use this in situations where multiple CinemachineBrains are needed (for example, Split-screen).
[Tooltip("The CinemachineBrain finds the highest-priority CinemachineCamera that outputs to any of the channels selected. CinemachineCameras that do not output to one of these channels are ignored. Use this in situations where multiple CinemachineBrains are needed (for example, Split-screen).")]
public OutputChannels ChannelMask
Field Value
Type | Description |
Output |
This is the asset that contains custom settings for blends between specific CinemachineCameras in your Scene.
[Tooltip("This is the asset that contains custom settings for blends between specific CinemachineCameras in your Scene")]
public CinemachineBlenderSettings CustomBlends
Field Value
Type | Description |
Cinemachine |
The blend that is used if you don't explicitly define a blend between two CinemachineCameras.
[Tooltip("The blend that is used in cases where you haven't explicitly defined a blend between two CinemachineCameras")]
public CinemachineBlendDefinition DefaultBlend
Field Value
Type | Description |
Cinemachine |
When enabled, the cameras always respond in real-time to user input and damping, even if the game is running in slow motion.
[Tooltip("When enabled, the cameras always respond in real-time to user input and damping, even if the game is running in slow motion")]
public bool IgnoreTimeScale
Field Value
Type | Description |
bool |
Controls whether CinemachineCameras can change the lens mode.
public CinemachineBrain.LensModeOverrideSettings LensModeOverride
Field Value
Type | Description |
Cinemachine |
When enabled, shows the camera's frustum in the Scene view.
[Tooltip("When enabled, shows the camera's frustum at all times in the Scene view")]
public bool ShowCameraFrustum
Field Value
Type | Description |
bool |
When enabled, the current camera and blend are indicated in the game window, for debugging.
[Tooltip("When enabled, the current camera and blend are indicated in the game window, for debugging")]
public bool ShowDebugText
Field Value
Type | Description |
bool |
Depending on how the target GameObjects are animated, adjust the update method to minimize the potential jitter. Use FixedUpdate if all your targets are animated with for RigidBody animation. SmartUpdate chooses the best method for each CinemachineCamera, depending on how the target is animated.
[Tooltip("The update time for the CinemachineCameras. Use FixedUpdate if all your targets are animated during FixedUpdate (e.g. RigidBodies), LateUpdate if all your targets are animated during the normal Update loop, and SmartUpdate if you want Cinemachine to do the appropriate thing on a per-target basis. SmartUpdate is the recommended setting")]
public CinemachineBrain.UpdateMethods UpdateMethod
Field Value
Type | Description |
Cinemachine |
If set, this GameObject's Y axis defines the world-space Up vector for all the CinemachineCameras. This is useful in top-down game environments. If not set, Up is world-space Y.
[Tooltip("If set, this GameObject's Y axis defines the world-space Up vector for all the CinemachineCameras. This is useful for instance in top-down game environments. If not set, Up is world-space Y. Setting this appropriately is important, because CinemachineCameras don't like looking straight up or straight down.")]
public Transform WorldUpOverride
Field Value
Type | Description |
Transform |
Get the current blend in progress. Returns null if none. It is also possible to set the current blend, but this is not a recommended usage unless it is to set the active blend to null, which forces the completion of the blend.
public CinemachineBlend ActiveBlend { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Cinemachine |
Access the array of active CinemachineBrains in the Scene
public static int ActiveBrainCount { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
int |
Get the current active CinemachineCamera.
public ICinemachineCamera ActiveVirtualCamera { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
ICinemachine |
CinemachineBrain controls this GameObject. Normally, this is the GameObject to which the CinemachineBrain component is attached. However, it is possible to override this by setting this property to another GameObject. If a Camera component is attached to the Controlled GameObject, then that Camera component's lens settings is also driven by the CinemachineBrain. If this property is set to null, then CinemachineBrain is controlling the GameObject to which it is attached. The value of this property always reports as non-null.
public GameObject ControlledObject { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Game |
Get the default world up for the CinemachineCameras.
public Vector3 DefaultWorldUp { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Vector3 |
Gets a brief debug description of this camera, for use when displaying debug info
public string Description { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
string |
Indicates if there is a blend in progress.
public bool IsBlending { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
bool |
Will return false if this references a deleted object
public bool IsValid { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
bool |
Gets the name of this virtual camera. For use when deciding how to blend to or from this camera
public string Name { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
string |
Get the Unity Camera that is attached to this GameObject. This is the camera that is controlled by the CinemachineBrain.
public Camera OutputCamera { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Camera |
Returns the ICinemachineMixer within which this Camera is nested, or null.
public ICinemachineMixer ParentCamera { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
ICinemachine |
Camera state at the current time.
public CameraState State { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Camera |
Access the array of active CinemachineBrains in the Scene without generating garbage.
public static CinemachineBrain GetActiveBrain(int index)
Type | Name | Description |
int | index | Index of the brain to access, range 0-ActiveBrainCount. |
Type | Description |
Cinemachine |
The brain at the specified index. |
IsLiveChild(ICinemachineCamera, bool)
Check whether the cam is a live child of this camera.
public bool IsLiveChild(ICinemachineCamera cam, bool dominantChildOnly = false)
Type | Name | Description |
ICinemachine |
cam | |
bool | dominantChildOnly | If true, will only return true if this vcam is the dominant live child |
Type | Description |
bool | True if the vcam is currently actively influencing the state of this vcam |
Checks if the CinemachineCamera is live as part of an outgoing blend.
Does not check whether the CinemachineCamera is also the current active CinemachineCamera.
public bool IsLiveInBlend(ICinemachineCamera cam)
Type | Name | Description |
ICinemachine |
cam | The CinemachineCamera to check. |
Type | Description |
bool | True if the CinemachineCamera is part of a live outgoing blend, false otherwise. |
Returns true if the CinemachineCamera is on a channel that is handled by this CinemachineBrain.
public bool IsValidChannel(CinemachineVirtualCameraBase vcam)
Type | Name | Description |
Cinemachine |
vcam | The CinemachineCamera to check. |
Type | Description |
bool | True if the CinemachineCamera is on a channel that is handled by this Brain. |
Call this method explicitly from an external script to update the CinemachineCameras and position the main camera, if the UpdateMode is set to ManualUpdate. For other update modes, this method is called automatically, and should not be called from elsewhere.
public void ManualUpdate()
Notification that this camera is being activated. This is sent to the newly activated camera.
Multiple camera may be active simultaneously for a while, if blending.
evt.IncomingCamera will always be "this".
public void OnCameraActivated(ICinemachineCamera.ActivationEventParams evt)
Type | Name | Description |
ICinemachine |
evt | Context for the camera activation. |
See SetCameraOverride. Call ReleaseCameraOverride after all overriding is finished, to free the OverrideStack resources.
public void ReleaseCameraOverride(int overrideId)
Type | Name | Description |
int | overrideId | The ID to released. This is the value that was returned by SetCameraOverride |
Call this to reset the current active camera, causing the brain to choose a new one without blending. It is useful, for example, when you want to restart a game level.
public void ResetState()
SetCameraOverride(int, int, ICinemachineCamera, ICinemachineCamera, float, float)
Override the current camera and current blend. This setting will trump any in-game logic that sets virtual camera priorities and Enabled states. This is the main API for the timeline.
public int SetCameraOverride(int overrideId, int priority, ICinemachineCamera camA, ICinemachineCamera camB, float weightB, float deltaTime)
Type | Name | Description |
int | overrideId | Id to represent a specific client. An internal stack is maintained, with the most recent non-empty override taking precedence. This id must be > 0. If you pass -1, a new id will be created, and returned. Use that id for subsequent calls. Don't forget to call ReleaseCameraOverride after all overriding is finished, to free the OverrideStack resources. |
int | priority | The priority to assign to the override. Higher priorities take precedence over lower ones. This is not connected to the Priority field in the individual CinemachineCameras, but the function is analogous. |
ICinemachine |
camA | The camera to set, corresponding to weight=0. |
ICinemachine |
camB | The camera to set, corresponding to weight=1. |
float | weightB | The blend weight. 0=camA, 1=camB. |
float | deltaTime | Override for deltaTime. Should be Time.FixedDelta for time-based calculations to be included, -1 otherwise. |
Type | Description |
int | The override ID. Don't forget to call ReleaseCameraOverride after all overriding is finished, to free the OverrideStack resources. |
Chooses the default active CinemachineCamera in the case there is no camera override.
protected virtual ICinemachineCamera TopCameraFromPriorityQueue()
Type | Description |
ICinemachine |
The highest-priority Enabled ICinemachineCamera that is in my Channel Mask. |
UpdateCameraState(Vector3, float)
Update the camera's state. The implementation must guarantee against multiple calls per frame, and should use CinemachineCore.UpdateVirtualCamera(ICinemachineCamera, Vector3, float), which has protection against multiple calls per frame.
public void UpdateCameraState(Vector3 up, float deltaTime)
Type | Name | Description |
Vector3 | up | |
float | deltaTime | Delta time for time-based effects (ignore if less than 0) |