Version: 2020.1


struct in UnityEditor.Profiling



Marker descriptor structure.

Contains the full information about the Profiler marker such as name, identifier, category, flags and metadata parameters. Use together with GetMarkers to prepare a list of identifiers for extraction of specific data from profiler data.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor.Profiling;
using Unity.Profiling.LowLevel;

public class Example { public static void GetAllWarningMarkers(FrameDataView frameData, List<int> warningMarkerIds) { warningMarkerIds.Clear(); var markers = new List<FrameDataView.MarkerInfo>(); frameData.GetMarkers(markers); foreach (var marker in markers) { if (marker.flags.HasFlag(MarkerFlags.Warning)) warningMarkerIds.Add(; } } }

See Also: GetMarkers.


categoryMarker category.
flagsMarker flags.
idMarker identifier.
metadataInfoMetadata information.

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