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Method group is Obsolete


class in UnityEngine.Networking


Inherits from:Networking.SyncList_1

Obsolete The high level API classes are deprecated and will be removed in the future.


This class is used for lists of structs that are synchronized from the server to clients.

To use SyncListStruct, derive a new class with your struct as the generic parameter.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;

public class MyScript : NetworkBehaviour { public struct POW { public int pow; public float f; }

public class SyncListPOW : SyncListStruct<POW> { }

public SyncListPOW m_pows = new SyncListPOW(); }

Make sure your struct members are non-static public members.
We allow the following types to be used in your struct;

• Basic type (byte, int, float, string, UInt64, etc)
• Built-in Unity math type (Vector3, Quaternion, etc),
• Arrays of basic types
• Other structs containing allowable types
• NetworkIdentity
• NetworkInstanceId
• NetworkHash128
• GameObject with a NetworkIdentity component attached.

Serialization methods will be auto-generated for this new class.

Inherited Members

Public Methods

HandleMsgInternal function used for remote list operations.