The ParticleSystem module implements Unity's Particle System.
ParticlePhysicsExtensions | Method extension for Physics in Particle System. |
ParticleSystem | Script interface for Particle Systems. |
ParticleSystemForceField | Script interface for Particle System Force Fields. |
ParticleSystemRenderer | Renders particles on to the screen. |
ParticleCollisionEvent | Information about a particle collision. |
ParticleSystemAnimationMode | The animation mode. |
ParticleSystemAnimationTimeMode | Control how animation frames are selected. |
ParticleSystemAnimationType | The animation type. |
ParticleSystemCollisionMode | Whether to use 2D or 3D colliders for particle collisions. |
ParticleSystemCollisionQuality | Quality of world collisions. Medium and low quality are approximate and may leak particles. |
ParticleSystemCollisionType | The type of collisions to use for a given Particle System. |
ParticleSystemCullingMode | The action to perform when the Particle System is offscreen. |
ParticleSystemCurveMode | The particle curve mode. |
ParticleSystemCustomData | Which stream of custom particle data to set. |
ParticleSystemCustomDataMode | Which mode the Custom Data module uses to generate its data. |
ParticleSystemEmitterVelocityMode | Control how a Particle System calculates its velocity. |
ParticleSystemForceFieldShape | The type of shape used for influencing particles in the Force Field Component. |
ParticleSystemGameObjectFilter | The particle GameObject filtering mode that specifies which objects are used by specific Particle System modules. |
ParticleSystemGradientMode | The particle gradient mode. |
ParticleSystemInheritVelocityMode | How to apply emitter velocity to particles. |
ParticleSystemMeshShapeType | The mesh emission type. |
ParticleSystemNoiseQuality | The quality of the generated noise. |
ParticleSystemOverlapAction | What action to perform when the particle trigger module passes a test. |
ParticleSystemRenderMode | The rendering mode for particle systems. |
ParticleSystemRenderSpace | How particles are aligned when rendered. |
ParticleSystemRingBufferMode | Control how particles are removed from the Particle System. |
ParticleSystemScalingMode | Control how particle systems apply transform scale. |
ParticleSystemShapeMultiModeValue | The mode used to generate new points in a shape. |
ParticleSystemShapeTextureChannel | The texture channel. |
ParticleSystemShapeType | The emission shape. |
ParticleSystemSimulationSpace | The space to simulate particles in. |
ParticleSystemSortMode | The sorting mode for particle systems. |
ParticleSystemStopAction | The action to perform when the Particle System stops. |
ParticleSystemStopBehavior | The behavior to apply when calling Stop. |
ParticleSystemSubEmitterProperties | The properties of sub-emitter particles. |
ParticleSystemSubEmitterType | The events that cause new particles to be spawned. |
ParticleSystemTrailMode | Choose how Particle Trails are generated. |
ParticleSystemTrailTextureMode | Choose how textures are applied to Particle Trails. |
ParticleSystemTriggerEventType | The different types of particle triggers. |
ParticleSystemVertexStream | All possible Particle System vertex shader inputs. |
UVChannelFlags | A flag representing each UV channel. |